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  1. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    Ohh i never hurd of that. Its an Indica? Let me know how they turn out.
  2. BudsBelize

    Stealth Grow Mommy

    Now, theses ones look a lot healthier and better than the first ones might i say.
  3. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    Yeah I been keeping the lights right close up on them, that way the can grow fat instead of tall and lanky. They are growing really fast.
  4. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    How long have you been veg. for? And what strain is that?
  5. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    Sometime next week I will probably be giving them the full mix of nutrients, probably next saturday or sunday.
  6. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    Here are some pictures of my Girls so far, The first three are the Kush and the last three are the Mystic. Just watered them today with water and very small amount of Earth Juice Grow.
  7. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    DAY 20 So things seem to be turning up now, both plants are growing quite fast, the Master Kush is looking GREAT. The Blue Mystic is also looking nice but now he Kush seems to be growing quicker than the Blue Mystic. Will have pics for everybody later tonight or early morning. Thanks you to...
  8. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    Thanks, HPS will probably be better, we will just have to wait and see, i got a lot of lights inside that closet lol. Should be adding more when they get bigger.
  9. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    Me too, i mean i wouldnt mind using an HPS its just that I hurd they get hot, and its alot of electricity. The way my closet is i think i could get away with putin an HPS I just have to do some adjustments to the closet like taking out the shelf above the main closet. As far as the heat, with...
  10. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    Lol i hope so, im going to have to see.
  11. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    Thanks for following, I think maybe I spoke to soon about the Blue Mystic growing faster than the kush because me and my girlfriend were looking at the plants today and the Kush is getting bigger by the day, not that the blue mystic isnt but now the Kush has a lot more leaves than the Blue...
  12. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    Thanks, glad to have you following, I will do my best to keep updates and lots of pictures.
  13. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    Thanks, i forgot to mention that I am only using that mixture of nutrients every 3rd watering. I water with regular water, then the 2nd water is with the Root Roids which says to use every feeding and then the 3rd watering is the nutrient mixed water.
  14. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    Thanks, I mixed all my nutrients today in a gallon jug ready to be used. I watered earlier today, using just water and my "root roids", the last time I watered them was when i transplanted them on Wednesday. The next time I water i will be applying the nutrient mixed water containing 1/2...
  15. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    thanks SICC. So far everything is going great and im enjoying everything my plants are doing.
  16. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    lol they do grow fast before you know it you will almost be ready to flower. You going to start a journal?
  17. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    DAY 18 Here are some recent pictures on how everyhting is going, I havent watered them since transplanting them, the soil is still moist underneth the top. I am giving them nutriens now when i DO water. 1st n 2nd- Blue Mystic 3rd n 4th- Master Kush
  18. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    Everything is looking good, haven't watered them since wednesday. The soil is still moist, still growing a lot of leaves, will be posting pictures tomorrow morning. Both of my girls are looking beautiful and i growing a lot of vegetation.
  19. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    Yeah i watered them last night and the soil is still moist all the way down to the bottom, I thru the run off water out, somebody else told me that when you water with nutrients you can re-use the run off water, but not all the time because it will cause a salt build up.
  20. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    So after the first night of transplant, everything seems to look good. More updated as they come.