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  1. leeny

    Bump If You're Baked!

    lol yeah, everytime my brother knows I'm high he forces me to play it with some new trippy ass music he's found just so I can play that and warp my mind... he da best lol
  2. leeny

    What have you done to cover up the fact that your high?

    RHOTOS!! :weed:
  3. leeny

    Where the chicks at?

    lol every post of yours cracks me up and I think it's because I imagine the fairy saying all of it... well I'm going on a bike ride now :peace:
  4. leeny

    Where the chicks at?

    oh penguins! lol if he wants someone else then you should definately not get another GF and might consider leaving him... but I don't know about your relationship and don't really have any exp with this... I'm a self proclaimed free spirit (aka: can't hold a relaationship so I gave up)
  5. leeny

    Where the chicks at?

    ...It sounds like I'm probably not your type anyway, and I guess you should ignore the nazi and butt comment... okay are you into butts, abs, tits, legs or personallity?
  6. leeny

    Where the chicks at?

    well I had a friend move from cali... and I say hella cus I started listening to atmosphere... and he (friend) told me he thought I was from cali... but... I was an "eco friendly" *no money* grower but I felt obligated to take it down so now I gather info so I can start growing next spring...
  7. leeny

    Where the chicks at?

    L.M.F.A.O hahahahahahaha... I can't stop... really.. this is too much! lol what's up fairy, you type really fast... I'm a lady... lol I know you are, but you act like you're from Cali with the "hella" and the continuous posting... but shit I'm not hating or anything-nice to have you here...
  8. leeny

    predict future

    that sounds cool... never heard of it before
  9. leeny

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    why is toking imediately after you wake up always more fun? ;)
  10. leeny

    goodmorning! jost dropping in and blazing out :peace:

    goodmorning! jost dropping in and blazing out :peace:
  11. leeny

    who is willing to help tweak my recipe?

  12. leeny

    who is willing to help tweak my recipe?

    mmmm i'm titillated! lol had forgotten about the artichoke hearts... damn I need to go to the store now, haha;-) thanks bro
  13. leeny

    predict future

    ... meth rly??...
  14. leeny

    Bump If You're Baked!

    bump + audiosurf = [/win] !! :D
  15. leeny

    Why are midgets so damn funny

    okay, I would definately like to be small now! and we could fight in an enchanted forest surrounded by kittens.... I'm getting carried away... :clap:
  16. leeny

    Why are midgets so damn funny

    ....willow or bilbo baggins... what's that?
  17. leeny

    Why are midgets so damn funny

    I wish I were that small... it would be like an awesome adventure!!!
  18. leeny

    My mind is melting

    + rep for cracking me up! lol..
  19. leeny

    who is willing to help tweak my recipe?

    sorry :oops: I didn't mean to offend in my second post... mmmmm delicious! I haven't really thought about any meat... thanks for all ya'lls help... now, does anyone know if heating up weed while cooking bacon (in the grease to extract the THC) will work?? ie:has anyone ever tried this...