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  1. PussymOneyWeed

    Greenhouse - Amsterdam

    refer to previous post =P Trust me, you dont have to tell me about america and our horrible drug laws, I live in Florida which happends to not be a medical state. And please, if you not in america already, dont waste your time visiting. We suck. All im saying is if you live in the states...
  2. PussymOneyWeed

    Greenhouse - Amsterdam

    Yeah man, no hashs are aloud to be sold too tourists, how lame is that non-sense? I would so be down for the smoke-fest, but im gonna need a partner. You down? =P LOL i love when people say this. "don't be a hater, Bro..." All i did was state my opinion and feelings about the place your...
  3. PussymOneyWeed

    The hunt for "the bong"

    If were talking about the same one, the piece you're refering too is a one off worked toro micro and it was SICK. I'll try to post pics, even though you will never be able too buy it haha! I wish i could drop that kind of money on a nice worked micro, maybe one day... I Just found a whole...
  4. PussymOneyWeed

    Weed Magnet

    its just Highdeas btw =P Its a website and chat i used to be apart of. It used to be awesome and fucking hilarious, Now it's just filled with a bunch of loser little kids. -_-
  5. PussymOneyWeed

    Favorite cheater excuse from The Maury Show

    wtf? Birds and mustard xD lololol
  6. PussymOneyWeed

    Favorite cheater excuse from The Maury Show Please, That baby dont look like me -_- Song is hilarious xD
  7. PussymOneyWeed

    Blades of grass pissed me off.

    lol what? have me confused with somebody else?
  8. PussymOneyWeed

    Blades of grass pissed me off.

    Do you bleed out of your vagina everytime somebody other than a nun or jesus christ himself touches or talks about weed? Cause it sure as shit seems that way. Dude there is violence in everything, just get the fuck over whining about it all the time. ...i really wish i would have saw you...
  9. PussymOneyWeed

    Help me find this high

    30-50% amber trichs is WAY too much for a sativa 0_o
  10. PussymOneyWeed

    Show Off Your GLASS

    ill post the video im making of my cheap blackleaf inline when im done. All i have until i get my T1i is my webcam so its gonna be shot with that haha.
  11. PussymOneyWeed

    [NEW YEARS] It's 11:59 on 12/31/2010, what are you going to do in a minute?

    And puppies! LOL when i saw this i almost died laughing :mrgreen: So i accomplished my goal! anybody else? :joint::joint:
  12. PussymOneyWeed

    good hash vs bad hash

    Good hash and bad hash is determined by just how pure it is. Hash isnt 100 % trichomes, there is infact plant matter is there. It's just a matter of how much that determines if it's good hash =D
  13. PussymOneyWeed

    So 2012 Is Only A Year Away!!!

    LOL at 2012. Havent you guys heard that they miscalculated the date of the end of the mayan calander(one of the bs 2012 reasons) by like 200 years. Will try to find link
  14. PussymOneyWeed

    Why isnt there a banana weed? ^banana Chemdawg. Shit looks amazing! Granted its just a banana tasting pheno of chemdawg, It still exists.
  15. PussymOneyWeed

    My girlfriend just took my WEBCAM away from me a stoners moment to RIU

    Sorry this is offtopic, but just curious..who ninja deleted my post?
  16. PussymOneyWeed

    Greenhouse - Amsterdam

    Well then your good.I would be going there if i was close like that. I just dont get why americans would pay for plane tickets there and back, Hotel, rental car/taxi/train, food, touristy stuff, then weed. With all that money somebody just spend going to amsterdam for a couple days, they...
  17. PussymOneyWeed

    Greenhouse - Amsterdam

    It's because nobody goes to lame ass Amsterdam now. I laugh at people who waste time and money to go to amsterdam for the weed and shit. Why the fuck would i travel half way across the world to buy 5 grams of weed and no hash? GTFO. Without tourists being able to buy hash (oils) i feel that...
  18. PussymOneyWeed

    [NEW YEARS] It's 11:59 on 12/31/2010, what are you going to do in a minute?

    I know somebody else out there knows what they wanna do at 11:59 =P
  19. PussymOneyWeed

    [NEW YEARS] It's 11:59 on 12/31/2010, what are you going to do in a minute?

    I will be doing a bong rip at 11:59:45 and continue it on thru 12:00 Took a bong rip in 2010 and blew that shit out in 2011 haha