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  1. Dominathan

    BIN LADIN May Be Dead............It's A Great Day

    I am an American, and I harbor no ill feelings toward him.
  2. Dominathan


    I live in Crowing County Minnesota. Let me just give you my address so you can come to my house, and I'll sell you a QP. 304 Laurel Street Brainerd, MN 56401 (218) 829-4749 Feel free to call at any time. Or wait a minute....maybe that's YOUR address? Hmmmm bongsmilie
  3. Dominathan

    Pollinated Room, Please Help Me!

    It'll only have seeds where the pollen touched, provided you don't transfer it yourself. That's why you may want to consider cutting out the buds with seeds in them already, so you're plants can focus on growing sensimilla.
  4. Dominathan

    Sticky My "Security" Thread?

    I think it has a lot of useful info, and I'm still working on it. This is a link for it
  5. Dominathan

    Sticky My "Security" Thread?

  6. Dominathan

    Dr Greenthumbs G13

    I feel that the extra price is worth it. I am dealing directly with a breeder, not a seed bank. And on top of that, I can call him 24/7 about the problems I am having with it. In my book, it's worth it.
  7. Dominathan

    All Expert Breeders...Read This!!

    Come on man, don't make the title that misleading...
  8. Dominathan

    What kind of fragrence can you expect from 2 full flowering plants?

    And if two posts weren't enough to convince you, I'm here to say you'll need odor control. bongsmilie
  9. Dominathan

    Complete guerrilla growing guide.

    Sorry. Like I said, I didn't write all of it. I'm just trying to compile the info. :D
  10. Dominathan

    Dominathan's Guide To Digital Security

    Updated to provide easy links and disclaimers.
  11. Dominathan

    Dominathan's Guide To Digital Security

    I've seen some webhosting services located in Panama that offer decent rates and allow you to host using Tor. I'd be willing to help create a collaboration fund to run a Tor site.
  12. Dominathan

    Dominathan's Guide To Digital Security

    Thanks for all the positive feedback! I'm continuing to write on this article, but in a notepad. I'll try to update it regularly, until I feel it's reached a suitable size. One love!
  13. Dominathan

    Dominathan's Guide To Digital Security

    Reserving this post for the future, as I add to this guide. Post 3/3
  14. Dominathan

    Dominathan's Guide To Digital Security

    Reserving this post for the future, as I add to this guide. Post 2/3
  15. Dominathan

    Dominathan's Guide To Digital Security

    Forward With great power comes great responsibility, and knowledge is power. Remember that 100% anonymity allows you to do whatever you want, but it doesn't mean you should. Using anonymity is a great way to work around laws, but please remember that laws exist for a reason. Crimes against...
  16. Dominathan

    Where to Get Seeds & Buds? You can never be too careful in the US. Anyone, medical or not, can still get in trouble for growing by the Feds. I've thought about making a security thread for a while now, but I think I really might do it today.
  17. Dominathan

    1,000,000 Seeds?! Seriously?!

    Yea, lemme just go take out a mortgage on my house so I can order a million seeds. I don't even know what I'd do with them!
  18. Dominathan

    How Many Of Us Are Using "Tor"?

    Yea. Once you get Tor, look into the "Silk Road". It's sorta like an Ebay, with non-traditional sales. All trades are done through Bitcoins, which by the way are a fantastic investment right now.
  19. Dominathan

    Who's Gonna Win the NBA Finals This Year?

    Anyone but Lebron Faggot Fucking James and his crew of whiny bitches.
  20. Dominathan

    Who's Gonna Win the NBA Finals This Year?

    It's gonna just be another 1990's Championship (Celtics vs. Lakers). I'm pulling on the Celtics winning it in 7 games.