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  1. T

    What The USA Lost JAPAN Still Has - Morals & Ethics

    That's still no excuse to act like that..doesn't matter.
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    What The USA Lost JAPAN Still Has - Morals & Ethics

    Yeah i'm not sure I trust those supposed "charities" They won't be seeing a even a piece a of lint from my pockets.
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    What The USA Lost JAPAN Still Has - Morals & Ethics

    and i'm sure that number will go up..otherwise you know Japan is going to bitch and complain if they know how much money was given to Haiti. Not to sound like a cold hearted little bitch but I think there should be some negotiations and lines drawn on how much aid and money is going to continue...
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    What The USA Lost JAPAN Still Has - Morals & Ethics

    Which makes me thankful that I'm American-Born. Although unemployed, I did once work for the City of Tacoma as an assistant auditor and have a degree in business management and my CPA. I did what you call a program that was offered to me in High School "running start" So I was able to finish...
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    What The USA Lost JAPAN Still Has - Morals & Ethics

    I'm not saying we should help others from a foreign country at the drop of a dime..infact it makes me angry that our country or "bureaucratic asshat government" as I call them..Should help our people first..getting us back to work etc....and NEVER refer to me as you guys "helping me" because...
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    What The USA Lost JAPAN Still Has - Morals & Ethics

    For those of you who have that stereo-type and continue to think we Japanese follow our native culture...We don't. I was American born, therefore that's all I know. I represent the star spangled banner and nothing more or less. Which makes me just as guilty as the next American. The reports...
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    Food Supply

    Being Japanese and it seems we're all jam packed into our house like a can of sardines we seem to have everything in the event something were to come up so i'm not worried. We call the Pantry the Mormon Closet lol
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    Food Supply

    It is what it is... Whatever happens..happens.. Whoever falls, dies -2pac Sorry Sorry, I'm in 2pac mode today.
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    To medicate or to get stoned.........come on fess up

    My parents are like that with me and my medical card..But they won't do shit because they know it helps me. I guess they can't get over the fact that i'm able to get high. As said before my grandparents were open more to it moreso than the 'rents. Japanese families typically are close..don't get...
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    My Crohn's Disease

    I wish someday doctors find a cure for autoimmune diseases and crohn's. Major League Baseball and NASCAR are big contributors to the crohn's and colitis foundation of America.
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    Old stoners never die

    My grandpa caught me smoking pot a couple years ago and said "you're doing it wrong" and he taught me how to roll a joint lol
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    Old stoners never die

    My grandparents are more open to smoking pot than my parents, I've always seemed to get along better with grandma & grandpa
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    My Crohn's Disease

    well I feel better from earlier..I just gotta eat healthier which isn't a problem..stay away from foods that could cause potential flare problem is..I can get obstruction and I was borderline plugged up last week in the hospital..get some prednisone and miralax and I was fine. I actually...
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    My Crohn's Disease

    well I just ran out of prednisone..gonna go see the GI Tuesday and most likely get more. Im taking that, and sulfasalazine and zofran too.
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    lol what's with the picture? Do you think that looks like me since I have the facial...

    lol what's with the picture? Do you think that looks like me since I have the facial characteristic of a cat? hahaha
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    My Crohn's Disease

    Do you have Crohn's disease too? or know anyone who does?
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    My Crohn's Disease

    Late last night I started getting cramping after eating some chocolate chip cookies after smoking a J..They're really super soft so I can't understand why they'd cause problems. I thought I might be experiencing obstruction again. So far, I've been in and out of the hospital 3 times. :oops: The...
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    What Do You Drive?

    I love where I live. I literally live up from "bar row" the state patrol and city police call it..I dont even need to drive..just walk like two blocks and there's the city center. I live in a small podunk redneck town but the bars are usually filled with interesting people..never any drama..but...
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    What Do You Drive?

    I always liked the look of the early 60's impalas. They're tanks but they look like they'd be fun weekend getaway type of cars. I'd like to have a 62 or 63 convertible SS..They were a 409 I think..?
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    So what do you guys think about Japans recent tsunami and there nuclear plants

    Weeell..I think personally it makes you think...I mean the whole adding 3-10-11 and 9-11-01 = 12-21-12 is just a coincidence someone just thought of and thought how kinda creepy it sounded..I just can't get into the whole Alex Jones conspiracy band wagon..That dude makes me wonder sometimes though..