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  1. D

    MInnesota's on it's way.

    glad its finally happened a bit late though fucken state
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    some pot im growing

    i wouldnt worry to much about the garbage man seeing it... the meter reader sees mine every yr and im still here no big deall .... just watch those things close ... where ur at is good climate those 'll b good stuff man :leaf:
  3. D

    these are some plants that my parents grew outside tell me what you think

    they look a bit off to me.. the purple stems look right.. but 5 leaves and not 9 like mine somethings off w/ that still tell ur rents good job man..:leaf::bigjoint:
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    Newbie In Minnesota Needs Help!

    i see we share a common state:clap:....... in this state its 10 years for one flower man it better be kind if you want two of them:weed:
  5. D

    best song about weed?

    green thumb, 666 LBS bongsession, weedy woman, trinity (giggle bush ), gateway, harvest oh so many classics :bigjoint::leaf:
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    Bump If You're Baked!

    bummp for aftr noon on some mango kush 8-)
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    The cops just came!

    cops sending complaments to growers? has hell frozen over?
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    What is the thing you hate most that you can't always avoid?

    city workers coming up here and reading the meter and runnin dry :peace:
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    did anyone else have a cat that liked herb

    did anyone else here ever have a cat that sat outside right under the plant and liked the smell of it? or was it just mine fuck thats some weird shit man:leaf::weed:
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    "yo man i got some kush"

    i know man everyone says that its bullshit dude..they got thir head so faqr up their own ass they dont even know what kush is anymore
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    Bump If You're Baked!

    nothing like a lemon napalm bomg in da mourig 8-)
  12. D

    x420x texan hey ya'll

    wuts up? welcome to RIU :leaf:
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    Is Afghan Kush Really Worth This Much?

    thats probably just the average going rate. depending on area,how they got it in to the US it could be more , it could be less. i personly would never pay that much even if it was the best of the best.bongsmilie
  14. D

    top 20 stoner bands....

    panthera cannibal corpse putrd pile bongzilla [of course] sodom thats five off the top of my head there was more but im on the moon o.0
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    no one will sell me weed

    the guy i used to get it from turned into an asshole so i make my own good luck its better than that garbage from him anyway. try your luck at sproutin something ive never grew anything before that and now im a superstar at that
  16. D

    A use for bong water?

    i do it all the time its natural why not long as the water isnt tap should be fine
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    The longer you hold in the smoke the higher you get???

    :joint: well some people it depends on lung capacity i have ashma so you would automaticlly think my lungs are shit right? wrong.. i can tokenchoke with the best of them.. i can hold it for just over a minuite and get totaly on the moon fried so yay i guess so
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    Yes, the FedEx man COULD be a cop... everybody panic.

    i woulda done something differant on that one but nice snag on the purple:weed:
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    Your Stoner Lingo

    hahaha around here everyone says burnin trees or rolled cloves hahahahahaha....:leaf::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:
  20. D

    post your smoking utensil

    dude your my new hero man :hump::leaf::leaf: i had one sorta like that but not a hooka it got smahed in an arguement w/ my ex:wall: