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  1. Xeno420

    Mexico decriminilized all drugs!

    I dont mean to be rude but don't shoot yourself in the foot. How can you talk about speed freaks when you like X? X is a form of speed... I'm sure your not a total jerk when your on it. Am I wrong? Anyway, Mexican cops are far more ruthless than N American cops and all units roll with fully auto...
  2. Xeno420

    Mexico decriminilized all drugs!

    I'm glad to see that many of you support the cause. As most of us know, the name "marijuana" came from "marihuana" that originated in Mexico. It is only fair that Mexico gives it's people back it's people's right to have cannabis. That asshole Harry J. Anslinger turned our medicine into 'the...
  3. Xeno420

    Mexico decriminilized all drugs!

    Isn't this great? I mean, it's not that I condone the use of other than MJ unless its cocaine (uncut or lightly cut) for severe pains or heroine for the advanced terminaly ill... but you can carry any type of drug for personal use on the streets and not go to jail. If you get caught 3 times...
  4. Xeno420

    Argentina decriminalizes small-scale marijuana use

    Not only "has" Mexico decriminalized MJ but it also decriminalized (for personal use) all other drugs as well. This is now in effect... I live here and man, it is so cool! I'm not down with synthetics for the most part but if your already doing it then why not? Thing is, if you get caught with...
  5. Xeno420

    1st grow with bagseed thought is was sativa but looks indica

    Dude, that plant grew pretty big in 2 months and it's been chopped down already... thanks though.
  6. Xeno420

    She's a growing nice, yes?! No?!

    I think I took in a little too much 'cause I still feel the body high and I slept through the night. Man, what a good night sleep, I feel awesome!
  7. Xeno420

    Rap & Hip-hop Lovers... Check This Shit!

    use the embed code and use [ youtube] before the code and [ / youtube] after the code. Make sure there are no spaces between the brackets when you post. Good luck and thanks for posting.
  8. Xeno420

    She's a growing nice, yes?! No?!

    It was a sad moment but the tea I made out of him last night was worth it; did it totaly sober to see if it worked. I threw the whole plant in except the stalk and used 8 cups of water and boiled for 15 minutes on low. I put some sweetened condensed milk into the mix, drank it and waitied. It...
  9. Xeno420

    She's a growing nice, yes?! No?!

    Dude, your right. That sux! I chopped it down already because I was thinking that if I let it go further, it might ruin future grows since I plan on using the same space and dont need pollen in hidden places. thanks for the insight.:cuss::sad::-|
  10. Xeno420

    She's a growing nice, yes?! No?!

    Either way, I'll let it grow and make bubble hash from it. Thanks for posting.
  11. Xeno420

    She's a growing nice, yes?! No?!

    The stem is thin because this is a 2 month old land race sativa from Mexico. These plants can grow over 20 feet in height and take the longest amount of time to grow. They are generaly really thin all over with long thin leaves and stretchy due to it's genotype. Thanks for posting though :), my...
  12. Xeno420

    Free Yourself From The Fake Messiah

    Money spending? Do you guys know how the system works? The white house makes bonds out of a printed piece of paper and the treasury makes paper dollars or simply 'makes numbers out of thin air' and places them in the government's banks; see, it's a numbers game that continues to grow; it's a...
  13. Xeno420

    She's a growing nice, yes?! No?!

  14. Xeno420

    Rap & Hip-hop Lovers... Check This Shit!

    Thanks for posting, give me some af the artists you like, I'll make a thread dedicated to something older. Any other kind of music your interested in?:hug:bongsmilie
  15. Xeno420

    Free Yourself From The Fake Messiah

    Totaly my bad, i ment to say he was shot possibly for political reasons. Man, we're all stoned here :D:weed:
  16. Xeno420

    Does the hypocrisy ever end?

    Drop back 5 and punt? Doesn't it have to do with football? Take 5 steps back and kick the damn ball :P IMO:clap:
  17. Xeno420

    She's a growing nice, yes?! No?!

    Well kiddies, this is my 3rd post on my progress with my bagseed from Michoacan, Mexico. I seen it sprout on the 22nd of June and has recieved much love <3! It is now the 16th of August and it's about 3 feet tall. I really really think it's female but I dont see pistles yet. about 90% sure it's...
  18. Xeno420

    Free Yourself From The Fake Messiah

    The truth is there though, I'm not sure if your aware but paranoid people make shit happen, everyone else is just a fish stuck to the hook under the cork. A lot of the information 'we the people' get comes from individuals that penetrated either under deep cover or trully had a strong desire to...
  19. Xeno420

    Newbie: Please help me to diagnose my sick plant!

    Too much water, not enough light IMHO
  20. Xeno420

    Free Yourself From The Fake Messiah

    You know, there are militia out there that started out as defenders of the nation alongside the government; as time has progressed, a few groups have seen where this is all heading and have changed a course in action. they are now grouping and rallying silently to see where the population stands...