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  1. GanJulia

    ....Rollitup REPTILE owners thread....

    My bearded dragon woke up yesterday :) he's always super hungry but super slow…. I also have a california desert king snake! I shall take pictures for you later!!
  2. GanJulia


    this last page is grosss.......... i love vagina, we all love vagina! lets scream for vagina!!!! on marijuana plants :eyesmoke:
  3. GanJulia

    what are you...

    OH fun :) Coca-Colaaaaa fresh baked chocolate chip brownies mmm :) sour dieeeeeesel babbeh watching south park I need to unpack :( sometime........
  4. GanJulia

    Anybody hear about the girl found dead, stuffed in a suitcase on a sidewalk in NYC?

    You are so sweet. Hug me :hug: The world is a fucked up place. People fuck children until they're in half and most of their families don't have bodies left to bury. Its hard to think about people having the ability to do something like that...Its a never ending cycle. Someone has a fucked...
  5. GanJulia


    pretty sure I lost my job. Even if I did keep it I feel incredibly awkward and ashamed I don't think i could salvage the relationship. The boys were told NOT to go with me after school if I came to pick them up. How do I fix a relationship with two 7 year olds?! :(
  6. GanJulia

    Looking for a new friend

    I half expected his message to say PNP somewhere.....
  7. GanJulia


    Oh, and the kicker, we were leaving for a Bonaire island trip on Friday(tomorrow). My dad and his wife were taking me and my boyfriend. Obviously now its just the 3 of us, but I think its a good thing I have this trip to take my mind off of it. Its almost too hard to work through right now I...
  8. GanJulia


    Hahah well I hope you dont have children.. :eyesmoke:
  9. GanJulia


    Thanks girl. Its really hard but I know its better I worry about myself now.. I have a puppy too that we got together and she's real good company :) I hope his family can help him because I know oxy is a crazy drug and he is a good person, he wasn't always doing it... love you all <3 I wish...
  10. GanJulia


    Im a nanny. yesterday, the cops come to my work. turns out my boyfriend of 28 months stole 25k worth of jewelry from my boss and from my family to pawn and buy oxycontin because he doesn't have a job. I kicked him out and he left the state, back home to his mom. im reallly sad and alone will...
  11. GanJulia

    Call Of Duty: Black Ops

    Fuck yeahh!! Blackops! add me PSN - GanJulia
  12. GanJulia


    We stayed near the Casino, really crowded and expensive, but my rents were paying for it. I'd go with a place like stayokay or somewhere a little farther out. You explore more the more you walk! :) Defintley check out the Anne Frank house, I waited over an hour in that line but it was totally...
  13. GanJulia

    If you HAD to bludgeon something to death, what would it be?

    UGH YES do zombies count? I'd take an AK-47 and blow heads off motha fuckas
  14. GanJulia

    Your favorite places to eat...HIGH

    Anyone ever heard of Copelands of New Orleans? My first and last job in the restaurant business, I was there since I was 15 until about 8 months ago. Its a cajun style restaurant with HUGE food. Its an awesome place to go high. Their biscuits&#8230;.OHHH their biscuits.
  15. GanJulia

    RIU glassware

    FDD I love your glass! I have an addiction to beautiful paraphernalia and I see myself buying something of yours. I noticed in October you were harvesting how are things now? I'd love one!!!
  16. GanJulia

    Post That Sack You Just Got

    My brother told me about a $200 half of sour d and i jumped on it, pretty happy with the results. Delicious.
  17. GanJulia

    Google Bitch Game

    <3 this picture "toke n talk" :eyesmoke:
  18. GanJulia

    Does it hurt to get a dog high from a few hits?

    Lol yeah im too paranoid i'd hurt her :eyesmoke: then i'd have to live with the guilt, NO fun.
  19. GanJulia

    Does it hurt to get a dog high from a few hits?

    I get my cat high all the time...he loves it. He stares at walls and plays with his tail, then sleeps.. My dog though is never interested and im not holding her down so if she runs away, she runs away. I dont think getting your dog baked is a good idea for their heart-rate, but i dont think...
  20. GanJulia

    Being high in public.

    I'm pretty much high all the time. Not like super baked 24/7, but close. The only thing that really gets me nervous is flourescent lighting in big stores, I feel like its a spotlight on my chinky red eyes. I remember one time me my boyfriend and my girl were going into Wendy's, and we went...