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  1. backyardagain

    Multi strain run

    Day 42, 2 more weeks for critical and white, pineapple looks like it can an extra few weeks.
  2. backyardagain

    Alot of white hairs at 54 days flower ??

    Im feeling the same Im at 6 weeks. Atill somewhat relative small buds. Never really matured all the way yet. Still has 2 weeka but both strains have started to change hair color. But it dose have a nice ass smell.
  3. backyardagain

    some ice wax for ya'all

    Dry screen is basically a 25 micron sheet/cloth/screen. Usaully comes witha set
  4. backyardagain

    1 gallon bubble bag.

    So I grow 4 plants at a time, nothing large at most 3.5 4ft high. Trim worth and pop corn bud probably isnt more then 3 oz so I dont see a real reason to get the 5 gal. Plus im getting the all mesh if anything I could just get a larger work bag and just create my own system. Few question...
  5. backyardagain

    Bubble bag help please

    Have you got it down yet? Im about to buy the 1 gal just to do each seprate strain. You thi.k its worth it.
  6. backyardagain

    how to get into stocks?

    i have a buddy that does stock. but hes a little stubborn bastard sometimes. he said he would help me get started just find out what i want to buy from stock.
  7. backyardagain

    how to get into stocks?

    no but i guess if i do somemore reaserch i could. not personally but find a good one.
  8. backyardagain

    ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

    If you have flower material would it be better to break it up but not to amall? And I have a bunch of grinder and sive box keif would it be wise to mix in the bubble also? whats better a nylon/mesh or an all mesh?
  9. backyardagain

    how to get into stocks?

    so i have a little bit of money that i would like to throw into stock, or penny stock. something i can get a somewhat fast return.
  10. backyardagain

    upgrading veg.

    was pondering on getting either another 135wled a 180w led or just get a t5 setup. right now i have a 135w led in a 2x2. i plan on have atleast a 4x2 when i upgrade. since a 135w led is good for a 2x2 i could just set it up with 2 of thoses or 1 135w and 1 180 or just the t5.
  11. backyardagain

    dinafem cheese auto !!HAPPYDAYS!!!

    very nice, i got one of these for a freebee that i plan on poppin soon. what was your setup and what nutes you uses.
  12. backyardagain

    Multi strain run

    dont knwo where the rest went, ill reupload them in the morining, but everuything is filling in nicely, starting to get frosty as hell, and buds are starting to swell looking to be some nice top cola's and nugs, even some of the lower growth looks really nice. i plan on making bubble hash with...
  13. backyardagain

    ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

    would it be pratical to use a 1gal in a washmachine? or just stick with handtools/handworked. also what might be a stupid question, if temp is a main factor in quality why not use dry ice in the water? minus that fact you would get alot of smoke, wouldnt that work. you would not need as much...
  14. backyardagain

    Multi strain run

  15. backyardagain

    Multi strain run

    so far in the past week it has almost doubled in size, smell is one of a cereal like a captn' crunch or osmething in that area i torched mine with nutes guess it was fine for the other 2 but critical kush dose not like nutes, its day 37 and if i did cut today i would be looking at just about an...
  16. backyardagain

    ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

    SWell what are the basic sizes used to make it if I do all 8 ill most lijely combine 2 or 3 in 1 pile. Figure since winter will basically be here ill do this in the garage all going to be done by hand for forst time. Mite make a video of it
  17. backyardagain

    ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

    Yeah. I was loojing at the magic set, but also was most likely going to get 1gal bags since im doing strain by strain. I know to get the 220 160 90 and like 45 or 73. Might get the whole 8 set and pick and chose. Just seen subcools video and seemed somewhat easy enough.
  18. backyardagain

    ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

    im making the chop in about 3 weeks, and was wondering if i should just buy the bags and mix it by hand or go the extra and buy the machine this will be my first time making bubble hash, or anyhash really besides iso. so im trying to get as much reasearch in as possible.
  19. backyardagain

    whats up with spam?

    my family used to make homemade meatballs and they always used spam. and i have reported them. i just dont get why every post about the uggs are all different users. that joined today or within the last 5 days.
  20. backyardagain

    whats up with spam?

    haha. nice one. but forreal, is it just me or is half of the first page of general marijuana growing all about uggs boots.?