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  1. Dominathan

    Does Altruism Exist?

    Or were they possibly hoping to be remembered? I mean, isn't being remembered after physical death the greatest reward someone could get? This article intrigues me to believe otherwise though, and that Altruism DOES exist. "The man in the red bandana" helped lead people out of the world trade...
  2. Dominathan

    How To Hussle Right?

    I've always just figured a hustler was someone who made money, rather than receiving it. Someone who inherits money from their parents is NOT a hustler. Someone who works 9-5 at McD's to buy grow lights, and then cashes out a grow at $20,000 IS a hustler. Someone who grows and does graphic...
  3. Dominathan

    How to prepare for deer?

    A nice sized bag of Dog Hair will usually do wonders! I recently heard about a grower using an actual "dear netting" over the plants. Could be worth looking in to!
  4. Dominathan

    Does Altruism Exist?

    Bingo. That's the point I was trying to get across.
  5. Dominathan

    Complete guerrilla growing guide.

    Good luck with that Elis! It's supposed to be a BOMB ass strain! I'm putting in a lot of Iranian genetics, since they finish so early.
  6. Dominathan

    Does Altruism Exist?

    Well then, define "good". If good means to be helping others, then it follows that we associate "good" with things that are altruistic. So what's the difference?
  7. Dominathan

    Complete guerrilla growing guide.

    Oh yea! If you haven't ordered seeds by now, you'll probably be using bagseed. Unless you placed a telephone order with a super speedy shipper, like Dr. Greenthumb! :P
  8. Dominathan

    Complete guerrilla growing guide.

    Well, I would recommend making multiple trips. Remember, you only have to lay the soil down once! A frame backpack could hold 1.5 cubic feet of dirt, or about 11 gallons. That's enough for three nice holes alone! To give you a hint though, I'll be making about 4 trips this year just to...
  9. Dominathan

    Complete guerrilla growing guide.

    Thanks man! Keep that Michigan grow alive! :P
  10. Dominathan

    Does Altruism Exist?

    She made the donation to prove that Altruism exists? Isn't that selfish and self motivated inherently?
  11. Dominathan

    Complete guerrilla growing guide.

    That's the spirit bro! Really though, check out google earth. You can basically see where every path of ever woods is, and how big the woods are/how far from nearest buildings/altitude. Best part is, you can lay little landmarks and get the exact latitude and longitude!
  12. Dominathan

    How To Hussle Right?

    I'll admit it. I'm a broke ass hustler. I've got some stuff cooking though!
  13. Dominathan

    Does Altruism Exist?

    Simple question really. Altruism is defined as a selfless motivation for the genuine welfare of others. Does it exist? I've been pondering this lately. Post your belief, just know that I'm likely to play the devils advocate. :D
  14. Dominathan

    Complete guerrilla growing guide.

    Yup, nature takes care of it herself! As you move towards winter, the days just get shorter and shorter and the plants know this genetically. They realize that they are nearing the end of their life, and begin to flower (flowering is actually the process the plants use to reproduce) so that...
  15. Dominathan

    Very large drying and curing ideas. HELP

    Either way, the guy is complete horseshit. He later said he never did it, it was "just an idea".
  16. Dominathan

    on cops radar how would you handle it?

    Weeds LV was right. Pull out the .50 and start blasting right from the door!
  17. Dominathan

    Very large drying and curing ideas. HELP

    Nobody would sell 500 lbs wet for $60,000. You'd keep at least 5 lbs to sell yourself, and you'd dry and cure that. I'm calling horseshit.
  18. Dominathan

    Complete guerrilla growing guide.

    Oh well, I'm sure there's a lot of other first year guerrilla growers that'll see it for the first time. :P
  19. Dominathan

    resistant strains

    I'd try some Northern Lights. They are notorious for being a good hardy plant for beginners, with a nice yield on it. KC Brains has a strain in Attitude right now that's supposed to have a really good pedigree. Whatever you choose, good luck!
  20. Dominathan

    Complete guerrilla growing guide.

    Yea, I think a lot of people might be skipping over it because of how long it is. I'd really recommend anyone who is considering the guerrilla grow to read it though!