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  1. AcidBurn901

    My First CFL, =0

    Today, i took away that stupid box, with that stupid foil and completely cover my walls, they are all now flat white. Super reflection, also added another 42 watt, (that was dead >.> so back to buying another one) enjoy the pictures, growth in the past two days is tremendous.
  2. AcidBurn901

    18/6 Cylce Starting Veg :pics:

    Thanks! They are in flowering now ^_^. I do hope to start a flowering thread soon. i added a new bulb and guess what. . . . it didnt even light, it was dead! So back to wal mart i go slightly pissed at the mega corp.
  3. AcidBurn901

    18/6 Cylce Starting Veg :pics:

    Ok so i measured her this morning and shes 16 inches! and the undergrowth *from were ive put at 26 watt 6500k bulb on it* has exploded!
  4. AcidBurn901

    My CFL Closet Journal, AK47, Ice, and Fem. Trainwreck

    My flowering i will have to go by eye. Its bagseed so i'll just have to wing it >.<
  5. AcidBurn901

    20 yr. old bagseed babes grow

    Hey looking real good! i'm gonna watch these really closely!
  6. AcidBurn901

    My CFL Closet Journal, AK47, Ice, and Fem. Trainwreck

    Man its pretty awesome we went into flower the same time! I'm jealous you got your hps! i need one badddd. But all things come in time i guess, need a bit more knowledge and money for a much better op. I'll continue watching, as always. Looking great as well my friend!
  7. AcidBurn901

    18/6 Cylce Starting Veg :pics:

    2 ft might be a bit much, but ill get and exact measurement tmm when she awakes. And yeah i added a 26 watt to the undergrowth today, i'm thinking itll help develop that a little more down low for a few days in flowering until switching it to a 42 watter. I'll start a new thread soon on flower...
  8. AcidBurn901

    18/6 Cylce Starting Veg :pics:

    Well im using two 26 watt 6500k (daylight i do believe) and one 42 watt full spectrum 2700k. Adding another of these tmm.
  9. AcidBurn901

    18/6 Cylce Starting Veg :pics:

    Thanks juicy, I am only worried about my lower growth but when i get my other light tmm i wont be, ill have a light of 2 down the length of and and they will still grow during flower, even if i dont get a huge harvest off this i will be alright. my first time with cfls, im here to learn =]
  10. AcidBurn901

    18/6 Cylce Starting Veg :pics:

  11. AcidBurn901

    My First CFL, =0

    bump yo the toppp
  12. AcidBurn901

    My First CFL, =0

    check here for flowering update
  13. AcidBurn901

    18/6 Cylce Starting Veg :pics:

    Ok, so big update. Since size is an issues i will be forced to go into early flowering. Tonight at 8 p.m i start flower If space wasnt an issue id let this baby get 4 ft during veg but since its almost 2 ft now i need to force into flower So these are the last pics during veg. Enjoy First pic...
  14. AcidBurn901

    Three days into flowering. You choose my nutes!

    Hey, i am about to go into flower after 2 weeks of veg, (height issues). basically it got way to big way too fast haha Hows it lookin?
  15. AcidBurn901

    30 days into flowerin

    Not bad man! looking good keep me updated and ill tell you wats up during more time in flower
  16. AcidBurn901

    30 days into flowerin

    leave it white, i had a buddy tell me about that, its cheaper than buying paint and you can move them ^_^
  17. AcidBurn901

    Smell to determine sex, possible?

    Bahahahahah nice +rep for badassness And thanks topper, i was just in need of a little direction on this subject =]
  18. AcidBurn901

    Smell to determine sex, possible?

    I've heard this. The males are more citrusy and females give off the distinct pot smell, this is what ive read no solid evidence to back this though. I just hope not, cuz my plant smells of citrus >.<
  19. AcidBurn901

    My First CFL, =0

    Exactly equal lighting throughout the plant should help it, yes? I believe if i were to use this method it would do nothing but stimulate growth