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  1. max316420

    Reliable Seedbank Info

    you guys can argue with me all you want but I'm just trying to look out for people who don't know any better.. and i'm pretty sure attitudes been around for like 6 years
  2. max316420

    400 watt MH lamps difference between remote and the all one units?

    It would take some modifying but any hid lights will work, hey if you can save money then I would go for it..
  3. max316420

    Reliable Seedbank Info

    Did you post in the seedbank and strain reviews section?
  4. max316420

    Reliable Seedbank Info

    and what posts??? you have like a total of 20 posts.
  5. max316420

    Reliable Seedbank Info

    Like I said I'm sure their legit but hey you never know... Like above poster I like to order from a company with a LONG track record. All I'm sayin is be weary of posts like that. You can't say that post didn't sound like an advertisement??
  6. max316420

    Reliable Seedbank Info

    Naw I still wouldn't trust it.... Nothing against you personally but like I said, sure sounds like your advertising for someone...
  7. max316420

    Crispy bud and dying leaves, only 5 weeks into flowering....

    and don't get me wrong I have burnt my fair share of plants hehe
  8. max316420

    Crispy bud and dying leaves, only 5 weeks into flowering....

    I would agree 2500 sounds real high but this strain is a eater. Usually the highest I would recommend is around 1500 ppm. To OP, Did you spray anything on your plants? And sorry don't keep journals, been doin this so long kinda loses its excitement lol
  9. max316420

    Flower time

    And technically your only 7 1/2 weeks into flowering
  10. max316420

    Flower time

    I don't think you burnt your girls, I think you ran into a magnesium def.. Got any pics??
  11. max316420

    Reliable Seedbank Info

    Not saying their not legit buuuuuuut I still wouldn't trust someone posting in a new growers section, with 17 posts... And it's probably the seed company making the post. But yes I would trust your opinion only after reading some of your posts. And its nothing against you but ive been on here...
  12. max316420

    Reducing PH for beginners

    When using lime it doesn't matter what your waters ph is, it could be at 1 and you soil will still stay around 6.5-7 which is perfect range for soil
  13. max316420

    Reducing PH for beginners

    Plus using vinegar alot will start to build up in your soil and eventually cause lockout and just completely fuck with you ph.. Dolomite lime is all you need bro.. Works wonders and a 50lb bag is like 5 bucks
  14. max316420

    Crispy bud and dying leaves, only 5 weeks into flowering....

    The reason I say they might not be burnt is if you look at one of the pics that shows the whole plant you can see some leaves showing signs of magnesium def..
  15. max316420

    Crispy bud and dying leaves, only 5 weeks into flowering....

    Don't think that flushing will do much now... I feed at 2500 ppm wo burning, not saying their not burnt but I think he has an underlying problem.. I have burnt so many plants in so many different ways I have learned to tell how they have been burnt lol
  16. max316420

    Reducing PH for beginners

    This stuff will NOT change the ph of your soil, only of the liquid your putting into the soil
  17. max316420

    Reducing PH for beginners

    Fuck all that shit.... All you need to do is premix some lime and you'll never have to worry about your ph again..
  18. max316420

    Reliable Seedbank Info

    and tell me why we would trust someone with 17 posts??????
  19. max316420

    Reliable Seedbank Info

    I smell some spam cookin
  20. max316420

    leaves burnt? Anything i can do to help them

    Yes most likely they will survive.. back your lights off a bit and keep an eye on them cause these ladies can grow FAST.. Good luck bro