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  1. mr.smileyface

    Test my knowlege?. Do you need help? I can anwser some questions

    just give them plain water. If you feed the last week your weed wont burn as good. Nuteless soil can be flushed easy.Allow a good run off. 10 days is a good flush. Aslong as you give them water more than once. With a runoff you will be fine.
  2. mr.smileyface

    *top feed rockwool questions*

    Hi guys i have 4 4x8 tables and my cousin wants to put them to good use at our uncle joes house. I have constructed a drip system out of Pex tubing 3/4 and spagatti tubing. I know how to set a drip up for Pots. 1.Where should the tube go on the rockwool? 2. How long do i run the drip system...
  3. mr.smileyface

    Test my knowlege?. Do you need help? I can anwser some questions

    I think the last week is where the value comes in play. 70 should be good for two lights. I chop kush down 56 days 12/12. I always start early on pests. i dont give them a chance to start. I spray my clones before they go in my room. ALways
  4. mr.smileyface
  5. mr.smileyface thats my thread thats my thread
  6. mr.smileyface

    yo niggaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    yo niggaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  7. mr.smileyface

    Elephant Bud

    its so tall tho you should get some pics when the lights are off
  8. mr.smileyface

    Test my knowlege?. Do you need help? I can anwser some questions

    If you can wait this long you can wait longer. Do you have new clones ready to go in there?? Why would you cut down early if you dont have new plants to get in there"? rent? You have a scope? Cut it down when 25 % turn amber and the rest milky. Im thinking you should chop early because it gives...
  9. mr.smileyface

    Light Mover during Flowering ???

    The sun doesnt move as much as the earth does. Not even a stationary light can compare to the suns 10,000 lumens per sqaure foot. With the mover your going to have some leggy plants. With a 12by 12 room you should use at least 4 lights. You could probly get away with light movers for veg and...
  10. mr.smileyface

    How to heat your grow room. +rep

    whats the temp when the lights are off? If its 10-15 you should be alright. 18 is the best
  11. mr.smileyface

    Stunting Stopping Verticle growth Organicly Kelp vs. Hard A

    Top load works. I use it at the end of week 4. I think your sappose to use it after the stretch. Bushmaster is before stretch. Your in the stretch phase
  12. mr.smileyface

    i call it the mutant

    Haha thanks. How come you didnt ask>?
  13. mr.smileyface

    i call it the mutant

    its kush. I have god buds and mangos from bcseedkings. They are decient
  14. mr.smileyface

    Test my knowlege?. Do you need help? I can anwser some questions

    whoa 9 weeks and water on them? your asking for a mold attack. How many weeks is your strain? If your spraying anything it should be azamax. I had a problem with mites my first time. I found out at week 4 and got some azamax and a pump sprayer... Mites died after 4 sprays. I use neem for clones...
  15. mr.smileyface

    Test my knowlege?. Do you need help? I can anwser some questions

    I agree. Everyone has differnt ways. You just have to find which way is for you.
  16. mr.smileyface

    Humidity question

    yea there is more in this brain. 10 days from cut or from roots? how much height do you have?
  17. mr.smileyface

    i call it the mutant

    is that the real name for it?
  18. mr.smileyface

    i call it the mutant

    Here IT is