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  1. Xeno420

    Why I fucking hate the "thug/gangsta" crap

    LMAO! 100+ years? Umm, miscegenation laws were not permited until 1967, that's roughly 42 years and even after that untill now, blacks have been targeted because of stupid white supremacists that brought them here in the first place. You can't have a cold around a group of people because they...
  2. Xeno420

    Why I fucking hate the "thug/gangsta" crap

    But those times are way long forgoten. Black history is as old as when there were traitors in the African tribes during the English-Spanish rule and as new as the early 70s and even newer events since then. You can check out all of the hate crimes since the 50's and I will guarantee that there...
  3. Xeno420

    Why I fucking hate the "thug/gangsta" crap

    Yeah but if history would have been a little easier on the black pop then maybe they would have been a little more civilized right now. I'm not giving them pardon on their actions by any means, I'm just saying that this is the product of a hateful society. They have become aggressive because of...
  4. Xeno420

    First Grow ..., Almost 2 months now....

    Go and buy Compact Fluorecent Lights (CFL) at your local hardware store... They are cheap and work a shitload better than hallogen.
  5. Xeno420

    12v fan hookup

    PC fan: red = + and black = -... black w/ white strip = - and completely black = +. Simple :)
  6. Xeno420

    how long for vegging

    Wait untill you see alternating nodes or pre-flowering... wondering what any of this is? Go to and search these terms with marijuana as a keyword also. Good luck.
  7. Xeno420

    showed my mom my guerilla garden...

    My heart goes out to you man. Hope you get better. P.S. A mother will always protect you and will never leave you and it shows that yours trully loves you. :peace:
  8. Xeno420

    Why I fucking hate the "thug/gangsta" crap

    Like I said,real gangsta rap is made for people from the hood. Your not going to find old and loving people there. No sir, you will find hardend criminals and roughnecks. It's like sending a fine ass female amongst rapists; tell me what the outcome might be if she even looks at them. I would...
  9. Xeno420

    Why I fucking hate the "thug/gangsta" crap

    Yeah, it's acalled "Nothing to lose". They just don't give a fuck no more and honestly, they are still very dangerous in hand to hand combat because they wont think twice about snapping your neck or shanking you to your slow death demise.
  10. Xeno420

    Why I fucking hate the "thug/gangsta" crap

    Trash? LMAO! These are the creme of the creme when talking about making money. You don't like it because you were not raised at looking at your friends lying dead in chalk lines. "Everyone knows that poppies, coca, and guns are not made in Harlem." - Public Enemy... your friendly government made...
  11. Xeno420

    Why I fucking hate the "thug/gangsta" crap

    It has nothing to do with rap. I listen to country music sometimes and dont ride horses or live on a farm or even wear cowboy attire. Sometimes I listen to Trance and hardcore but that dont make me a pill popping animal, I dont even like hard drugs. Sometimes I listen to Heavy metal or other...
  12. Xeno420

    Mercury inhaled!!!

    Mercury is mercury and it is all toxic.
  13. Xeno420

    LOL, you answered off on the bus full of gay people question in "ask the person below you...

    LOL, you answered off on the bus full of gay people question in "ask the person below you anything"... This makes you gay. So, you like "getting off"? Trick question; next time say "I dont take busses".
  14. Xeno420

    Marc Emery, "Prince of pot"... Busted!

    Amen, that's what I'm sayin'!
  15. Xeno420

    1st time grower in need of some experienced help plz...

    Please tell me that ain't miracle grow cause it has a grip of nutes in it already.
  16. Xeno420

    my plant

    That looks like miracle grow. If it is, cut back on the water as it releases too much fertilizer into the roots. Wait untill the top 3 inches of the soil are almost bone dry and then dive it a dose of water.
  17. Xeno420

    my plant

    Under the "my Rollitup" tab. On the far left you will see your options, click on "pictures and albums" and you are set from there.
  18. Xeno420

    hello hello!

    Welcome to RIU... we want pics!
  19. Xeno420

    Damn old people...

    You never know! Old folks have seen it all and are more hip to shit than you think.
  20. Xeno420

    Will my plant grow ?

    Some sun? Less sun will make it grow like crazy! More sun = shorter plant and thicker main stem; less sun will make it stretch and become lanky + smaller buds but yes, it will grow with minimal light, it is after all a weed :)