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  1. fairyweed


    no to bug but also u should like ..... READ!! if u could u would see my location thing says "america.."wait.. whats that i see.. does that say.. noooo.... oh my it says "california" hmmmmmmm..... no that cant be in america.. obvousily*(i admit i cant spell it) but i would think americans would...
  2. fairyweed


    ... look where u r .... a ideal american... on a pot site puttin people down.... and honsetly the system we have here sucks... our own president lies to us(yes i am american) but at least in other places if the man says he's gunna blow ur ass he does... and second i dont GET my paycheck from the...
  3. fairyweed


    first!!!! who gives a crap about capitals??????? it dont give the flag 49 stars so .. and second why whould u reply so stupidly and u didnt even answer my question!!!! in the end u look stupider cause u cant read and answer a simple question!
  4. fairyweed


    what would you tell the american people if u (only u) knew that obama smoked weed on a daily bases??and there was no way to prove it???:-? ...cause somehow deep inside ... ....... i know....SHHHHH...
  5. fairyweed

    major munnchies

    what is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten or tried to eat while super high with major munnchies???kiss-ass
  6. fairyweed

    Pets are they apart of your session?

    fine on subject i i tryed to get my chihuahua high he just sneezed in my face and walked away
  7. fairyweed

    Pets are they apart of your session?

    i didnt mean that like BOOO.... i meant like BOO! like on halloween.. ok baby better
  8. fairyweed

    Pets are they apart of your session?

  9. fairyweed

    Pets are they apart of your session?

  10. fairyweed


    hey this is my first time on here and i was told you guys somthing... now see i smoke.. not alot alot but everyday all day.... and ive always been suspisous that there are worms in my brain and now i evedience to prove it.... recently like the last few months when i would take a hit from either...