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  1. naturalhigh


    fukc least 10 to 15 bucks a peice...just think if it this way..your saving the guy 2 months of time..of buying seeds...germing them... sexing them,,then cloning.... once you give your clones away they can do the same thing your doing but this thing is that you did all the work...
  2. naturalhigh

    Aloha from hawaii!!

    is there a big demand for weed in hawwaii? im thinking of moving there and taking all my stuff with me.... pc//
  3. naturalhigh

    OffGridGrowers journey with ISS, Vsog (stadium)

    oh think that 2K power is goonna cut it.. im running 3 k on a 8.5 footers and northern farmer was running 4 ks on a 10 footer....i will be watching cus... dam if this works good i could make 4 of these where im at..and put them all on movers.... good luck ...
  4. naturalhigh

    Hbr's Stadium Vsog

    for sure man grab on to that baby...pack it with 300 clones and 2 600s and your ready to goo... if not ill buy it in 2
  5. naturalhigh

    203 Sugar Kanes 14,000 Watt !!!

    hey one other question with all that power are you on the grid or off? i want to do somthing that big but i just dont know how to over come the power issue...
  6. naturalhigh

    OffGridGrowers journey with ISS, Vsog (stadium)

    ohh looks good..i will most likly switch over to this construction in the future...with only 2 1000s how long is your stadium?
  7. naturalhigh

    First grow ever (medical patient)

    I think i will take the cookie...
  8. naturalhigh

    Hbr's Stadium Vsog

    oh god...dont bring up omegafarmer...he is soo full of shit it just keeps pouring out of his mouth everytime he talks..every vertical/rotational grower is tired of him preaching about how everything is wrong and that ill fated tiny volksgarden is the cure for cancer.. granted they may work but...
  9. naturalhigh

    OffGridGrowers journey with ISS, Vsog (stadium)

    oh wow...i always thought about using cool tubes.. for the lightsw...but i need the heat right now to heat my space....looks very tight...are those 2 by 8s or 2 by 6s you using forthe shelfs... whats yoour hight spacing for each rack and how high is your last one off the ground? and are you...
  10. naturalhigh

    First grow ever (medical patient)

    only one of them is clones..and if your in calie and have a med card..for the money you bought that tent for which i have never seen somone put one idea.for an eaxtra 100 or 200 max you could fill up that intire cab with clones...
  11. naturalhigh

    SoG Grow Room Discussion

    looks good buddy..i have been thinking of buying those 9 by 9 rooms...very nice...
  12. naturalhigh

    20+60 ebb/drip plant operation...second go...white berry + outdoor sativa strain

    looks could expain that doubletime in a heart beat.... dod you take any cuts from those plants befor you went into flower.?
  13. naturalhigh

    when you can grow like this come see me

    hey maybe this guy be the next " joe the plumper" and have some book deals and recording contracts...
  14. naturalhigh

    Hbr's Stadium Vsog

    wow i just looked that up...foodle? that think is too sure it would be good if i had wheels and you could use them on the sides of the stadiums as a way to cap off the ends??? but 600 bucks a piece..? wow... idk
  15. naturalhigh

    Hbr's Stadium Vsog

    a what?? have never herd of that..that crzy guy on here swears by them...maybe i just may buy for the hell of it to try it out..who knows..
  16. naturalhigh

    OffGridGrowers journey with ISS, Vsog (stadium)

    what i do is use your finger to block out the light and it will give you a better shot...
  17. naturalhigh

    whatapotheads bigbud shop.

    i wouldnt doo top somthing that is well known...Critical mass..or a c99...even a northern lights or some kush...soo how big are you planing on making your grow place? and how much power...
  18. naturalhigh

    Grow Bed?

    id stick with a roto gro or a GI grow...there pretty sweet..i have a GI grow it it works wonders..theres no maintenance except for adding more feed every week...
  19. naturalhigh

    36 site pvc hydro, 60 gal resivoir, and ac. Is 1k watt enough?

    that should be find but a light mover would be pimp thoug...