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  1. Zig Zag Zane

    "New World Order" conspiracy theory

    Osostoned is right, the supposed hijackers, would have never been able to pull off what supposedly happened, especially at the pentagon, that was definitely a missile. I mean shit guys they try to do this stuff allllll the time really, remember the underwear bomber on christmas? that died fast...
  2. Zig Zag Zane

    "New World Order" conspiracy theory

    Yeah the guidestones were erected and no one knows who paid for it to be done, but some eery shit on them stones....most definitely was done by someone within the power elite.heres a vid bout the guidestones Oh and by the way, to go with all the 9/11...
  3. Zig Zag Zane

    "New World Order" conspiracy theory

    Yup true again, if you are not a federal employee, you DO NOT have to pay taxes, plain and simple, all of you average hard-working americans that pay taxes and stress over the IRS have been conned, the IRS are an illegal funds confiscatory agency of the federal reserve(PRIVATE BANK). I know I...
  4. Zig Zag Zane

    "New World Order" conspiracy theory

    what a fucking cunt that george bush sr is huh? I can see the evil in that bastard. "If the people knew what we had done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us." ~ George H.W. Bush
  5. Zig Zag Zane

    "New World Order" conspiracy theory

    all truth coming outta that last post of yours osostoned... well put.
  6. Zig Zag Zane

    "New World Order" conspiracy theory

    the new world order most certainly took a giant leap that day and everything changed, but I wouldn't say the NWO was born on Sept.11....the banksters and other powerful figures have been working to destroy the united states since its birth. Andrew Jackson warned us all about the banks, and they...
  7. Zig Zag Zane

    "New World Order" conspiracy theory

    luckily for all us cannabis connesuirs, if shit does collapse, our frosty nuggs will certainly be a form of currency lol foreal its very plausible haha and good thing I got none of my money in a fuckin bank like most of the sheep. Also got a lil gold.
  8. Zig Zag Zane

    "New World Order" conspiracy theory

    haha and you've just grazed the surface! shit I could rant all day about global warming, the federal reserve, the IRS, nasa,9/11, JFK, other assasinations, aliens, the hypocrisy of our government etc really is an overwhelming much to cover.
  9. Zig Zag Zane

    "New World Order" conspiracy theory

    Thats fine, but you gotta understand, it starts with the individual, you can live your life and be content, but I still think it would be best to be informed and not to dismiss people when they discuss these issues with you. people always say, "even if all this is true, we cant do anything about...
  10. Zig Zag Zane

    "New World Order" conspiracy theory

    Ive seen the entire Arrivals Fireman...great series, a whole lotta truth in those videos, yet near the end it was far too religious, promoting ya know? but the first 30 episodes are great.
  11. Zig Zag Zane

    "New World Order" conspiracy theory

    yeah and to top that off, if you look at the fbi's 10 most wanted list, Bin Laden is on it but it doesn't say a fucking word about 9/11. So he supposedly was the mastermind and the US blames 9/11 on him...yet it doesnt say that even on the FBI ten most wanted?! wtf
  12. Zig Zag Zane

    "New World Order" conspiracy theory

    lmao! al qaedas role in the conspiracy? al qaeda was the ultimate boogeyman...darky extremists who hate our freedom! it was easy as fuck for the gov to blame it on them. Anyways I dont know who you expect to speak up, those guys are muhajideen, rebel fighters, once again the CIA created Al Qaeda...
  13. Zig Zag Zane

    "New World Order" conspiracy theory

    never in history have steel buildings collapsed from fire alone. That day, 2 planes turned 3 massive buildings into piles of ash. Then we go to war and blame it on Tim Osman aka bin laden, and Al qaeda... which is not a real terrorist group, al qaeda translates into "the system" which was the...
  14. Zig Zag Zane

    "New World Order" conspiracy theory

    immortal tec and anyone like him is real, rapping about the true issues we're faced with today...not your typical materialism,money worshipping music.
  15. Zig Zag Zane

    Cracker Jack marijuana - it's a new strain of cannabis

    the cracker jack at that club cant be the same genetics as fdd's....too bad they came up with the name too lol
  16. Zig Zag Zane

    "New World Order" conspiracy theory
  17. Zig Zag Zane

    Geesh's 215 Grow Journal- LA Con, Kush Berry, 91 chemdawg, X-18

    Ill be stickin around to watch that x-18! never seen anyone grow it out yet....
  18. Zig Zag Zane

    JWH-XXX Comparison

    know of anywhere I can get some in Ca? Id like to try it, see if I can get that beginners high again.
  19. Zig Zag Zane

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Not sure what climate they prefer but I think anywhere outdoors is vulnerable to the budworms, basically if you see butterflies and/or moths, then its a problem. The budworms seem to love Southern california though because its hot and arid. Godscreat0r, not sure about ticks, never have had any...
  20. Zig Zag Zane

    getting my website up and running

    Everyone calls em skillets, or hash bells where im from, theres a big difference between the pic I posted and your common crack pipe. Im pretty sure people dont smoke meth or crack outta them.