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  1. jasonlocsouthkorea

    Check Out My Lady

    its a sativa bro. it shouldnt give you sleepy. whats wrong with you're brain? LOL =)
  2. jasonlocsouthkorea

    My Experiment

    ya bro! mylar is the way to go. ur right its much better then cardboard lol keep up the hard work man cheers -jason
  3. jasonlocsouthkorea

    Check Out My Lady

    LOL Nice fuckin buds bro those look CHRONICK WEED. i dont care what u think you're bag seeds came out SEXY
  4. jasonlocsouthkorea

    White Rhino PC Case Grow & More

    nice man looks great for cfl's
  5. jasonlocsouthkorea

    My Experiment

    is that foil? if it is take it off its the worst reflection device possible it refracts the lights in all different angles bro. not trying to be mean just trying to help you out bro!
  6. jasonlocsouthkorea

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

  7. jasonlocsouthkorea

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    the mods are EXTREMELY mean. what the hell. i cant imagine how you felt.
  8. jasonlocsouthkorea

    White Rhino PC Case Grow & More

    bro you flowering with cfls?
  9. jasonlocsouthkorea

    Lacy's Indoor Grow??? (lots of questions)

    very nice~~~~~ you just look like you're few weeks behind me. looking very familiar in characteristics though lacy. short, squat, bushy, and very green lol keep up the hard work. and hope you had a good vacation -Jason:joint:
  10. jasonlocsouthkorea

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    LacyKins thanks for the kind words. coming from an experienced grower like you'reself it means alot. and sorry for posting you got banned i had saw in a few threads some newbs were saying you had got banned for something. once again sorry for the confusion! cheers lacy -jason
  11. jasonlocsouthkorea

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    cheetah are urs dry?
  12. jasonlocsouthkorea

    My First grow

    plants are looking much better bro~ and my fault about the confusion earlier
  13. jasonlocsouthkorea

    Bagseed - Midgrade - 1st real attempt - March 22

    lol e-mail <3 how have you been?
  14. jasonlocsouthkorea

    Topped! plant! 1 month old. 25 days flowering.

    congratulations on the successfull harvest c man! you should be proud.
  15. jasonlocsouthkorea

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    mike how have you been? i missed hearing from you (:
  16. jasonlocsouthkorea

    HazyEyes grow journal from begin to end

    nice bro keep up the hard work
  17. jasonlocsouthkorea

    First Grow-hps & Bag Seeds...

    ya. whatever rufru said :)
  18. jasonlocsouthkorea

    Diving right in - my journal

    sorry for asking that question if it offended you i was just extremely curious =( cheers -jason