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  1. panta


    Im using straight acid couse i dont have a hydro store in my country,so that could be the issue,but the strange thing about it is that on my last setup about a year ago i used the same acid and didnt have problems,i thought of root rot but the roots look fine nice white and clean,so now i...
  2. panta


    7.5 is the ph from the tap but then i add phdown and get it corrected to 5.8,what could be lowering the ph so fast from 5.8 to 4.2 in 12-24 hours
  3. panta


    I have a 8 bucket under current DWC DIY,and this issue with the ph is killing me i changed the water several time already and it happens again,it takes me about 2 days to lower the ph from the 7.5 of the tap water to 5.8-5.9 and after about 3-4days it drops to 4.4-4.2 in 12 hours,then i add some...
  4. panta

    Best for SCROG?

    any advice on the best choice for a scrog fast mauring havy yeilding,i was thinking double dutch
  5. panta

    is this a PH ISUE OR OT

    the ph is 5.8-6.0 ,temp.22c and a DWC circulating system,these plant have been in soil and i got em transplanted to hydro aout 10 days ago so thats been stressful,any thoughts
  6. panta

    How much does it matter if u dont change the bulb

    thanks for the replies,il try my old bulb thats been running for 3-5months dont know exactly,and then il change them and see how much difference does it make in the same setup.
  7. panta

    How much does it matter if u dont change the bulb

    Is it really a big difference if u change the light bulb every 6 months or can it run for a longer time,and has anyone tested this.
  8. panta

    Need help, seedlings looking bad.PICs

    thats what i thought,the stems are drying in the middle and the seedling just falls,il try another bach in soil but i would like to save these i took em out of the dwc tub and just have em on a plate under the lights as close as possible
  9. panta

    Need help, seedlings looking bad.PICs

    50% RH,5 incandescant 23w,i think its probably from the coir or some fungus atacking the stem,dont know what to do
  10. panta

    Need help, seedlings looking bad.PICs

    these are Mr nice's nl5xskunk#1,i planted them in coco coir,the stems are getting soft in the kidle and the seedling just fall,can anybody help me,i use destiled water ph'd at 5.5
  11. panta

    Big plants what strain to grow

    i have a undercurrent dwc and i have a 8 lant limit in 12ft sq space with 5x600w hps lights,any advice on the strain i should use to get them big and heavy,dont wana veg to long
  12. panta

    Where can i find black russian seeds

    Can anybody help me find black russian seeds,or clones
  13. panta

    Need ADVICE for an AC unit

    One hose vs two hoses Some PACs feature a dual-hose design. This design cools the compressor of the PAC with air from outside your room. This increases the efficiency of the PAC, and also avoids creating a negative air pressure in the room (as single hose PACs exhaust air from your room...
  14. panta

    Need ADVICE for an AC unit

    what does it mean a 2 hose unit can u explain,i dont live in the US
  15. panta

    Need ADVICE for an AC unit

    i have a 10x600w flowering room with 3 x 700m3 fans pulling air throught the cooltubes,now the ac is wall mounted but it started to show some sigh like its gonna break down and i cant get anyone to fix it for me,so i wana find a portable unit in case i have to to get it can somebody advise me as...
  16. panta

    THRIPS what can i do

    i think i have thrips and they are thriving,i dont have spinosad in my country does anyone know whats the name for it in europe,so i sprayed with neem oil every 2 days but they are still here and today i set the sulfur burner for 12h on and 12 off this is in veg 24/7 lights,what else can i do
  17. panta

    Water depth in a DWC. Did I miss something?

    its better to have a gap between the basket and the water couse the roots get more air like that
  18. panta

    Black stem on CLONES.what is it

    m camera broke and i got rid of all the clones from that cloner,none of the other cutting have it but i would like to know what is it so if i get it again i can treat it,the stem gets balck at the tip and the lower part but the roots are white and healthy,one had some slime of 20
  19. panta

    Black stem on CLONES.what is it
