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  1. panta

    ebb and flow sog why are these buds smaller

    these buds are maturing showing brown hairs bud its like they missed the filling faze they didnt fill up still are lokking airy
  2. panta

    ebb and flow sog why are these buds smaller

    none of these were super croped,the ones on the ebb and flow were toped and thats it but when i did it before the buds were not smaller actualy it incresed my yeild
  3. panta

    ebb and flow sog why are these buds smaller

    im running the same clones in soil and 2 in dwc and another room has 50 in a sog ebb and flow,in the first pic i have the dwc grown plants witch turned out to be the fattest buds in 50 days i ever seen maybe couse i have a dual air pump and 2 air stones in a 10l res.the other 2 pics are from the...
  4. panta

    Need help pics.

    dwc PH 5.7-5.9 EC 1.0-1.1 water temp 18-19c it starts from the lower leaves and works up so i quess a defficiency but witch one or is it too much nutes they are maybe 8-10days old from seed critical mass and maple leaf indica
  5. panta

    NEW NFT (nutrient film technique) SOG SETUP

    i have the same table running as ebb and just trying to find a good way kick the medium out of it,in nft why do i need more time for maintanance tha ebb and flow,do u just turn the pump off so the solution drains to the res so u can adjust it and turn the pump back on
  6. panta

    NEW NFT (nutrient film technique) SOG SETUP

    I just saw this thread,this is the same thing i made initialy to be a dwc table for sog but after a slime atack on my grow i found it very difficult to maintain,this is a plywood 4x7 feet table 2x600w hps,so now want to make it a mediumless ebb and flow with the pump running 24/7 or to tilt and...
  7. panta

    Can i use EWC tean with chemical nutes

    How can i keep a thriving population of beneficial bacteria wile using non organic nutes,i dont have water soluble organic nutes in my countey only the chem like
  8. panta

    white slime on my roots,HELP

    no light in this table see,the h202 dosent take care of the problem,does anyone have any experience with Potassium Permanganate maybe that would help has...
  9. panta

    white slime on my roots,HELP

    did u have the same shit happen,whats the couse of it,does anyone know what is this slime so then i can find a wa to fight it,first the slime was brown so then i added h2o2 in one of the rez. it first turned white and today its gonne,in the other big 130g dwc it was brown at first but after i...
  10. panta

    white slime on my roots,HELP can i use this to fight this if its algae,does anyone have any experience with aquarium products used in hydro is it safe
  11. panta

    white slime on my roots,HELP

    in veg i never had a problem they grow like crazy,then after i put a batch a clones straight from the cloner to flower in a dwc table,first the slimy roots were brown then i changed the water 130gallons and cleaned every clone under the tap after cleaning everything i refiled the the table and...
  12. panta

    dwc just a water pump no airstone,can i

    can u recommend a good brand for a needle wheel pump one thats proven to give these kind of results
  13. panta

    Need Some Help

    iv always poste pics in the Upload File from your Computer row,how do u post pics so i can see em on the screen when i inter a thread,i always posted thumbnails
  14. panta

    dwc just a water pump no airstone,can i

    Cooler water is capable of holding on to more oxygen than warmer water. So when a nutrient solution starts to warm up, its ‘hold’ on dissolved oxygen decreases. For example, the oxygen content of a fully aerated solution 68°F (20°C) is around 9ppm, whereas at 86°F (30°C), it drops...
  15. panta

    dwc just a water pump no airstone,can i

    whats the gph on that and does it heat up the water alot
  16. panta

    dwc just a water pump no airstone,can i

    what the fuck is that,i want one,u guys in the US have everything u want,i live in a shity country in europe so i dont have anything in the stores besides the basics and sometimes not even that,my whole growroom is diy i even had to make the rezervoirs from plywood couse the largest ones of...
  17. panta

    dwc just a water pump no airstone,can i

    im trying to match the results that i got from my 2 clones flowered in a small dwc 12l bucket in witch i put 2 airstones and a 5w dual airpump,so the water in it was like a washing machine convulsing,these plants are developing like crazy 2 times as thick and 10 days at leat faster than all the...
  18. panta

    dwc just a water pump no airstone,can i

    i just found the article that mentioned this, and in this thread heath uses just the cascadinf effect of the water to pump DO...
  19. panta

    dwc just a water pump no airstone,can i

    can i run a dwc system without airstones and just a recurculating pump moving the water around,i heard about it somewhere can remember where that the most DO in water can be set bu water movement not the bubbles from the airstone,and i have too many airpumps its starting to make alot of noise
  20. panta

    what strain to knock me out straight to bed

    i need something to help me go to sleep ans stay calm through it and if possible to get up fresh in the morning,is there a strain that can help me with this