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  1. panta

    Need HELP,can i use this fert.

    boost is what meant
  2. panta

    Need HELP,can i use this fert.

    can i add a P fert. to bust it or is this too much K so i have to find a new fertelizer
  3. panta

    Need HELP,can i use this fert.

    whats more important for flowering P or K,i have this 3-11-38 powder nute one of the few available where i live that can be used in hydro,when i was reading the content of it i could find no calcium or sulfur but it has most of the micro nutes like; mg,fe,mn,b,mo,zn do i need more P that i...
  4. panta

    Can i use any fert. in hydro i found a link,theres a table of contents i dont know if this is enough
  5. panta

    Can i use any fert. in hydro

    i cant find this product on the net. but on the back of the bag it states for every element that its water soluble is this good enough
  6. panta

    Can i use any fert. in hydro

    thanks for all the replys,i cant order nutes online couse the customs wont allow it,i got this fertilizer they said its water soluble il post the link later maybe some of u guy with more experience can check it see if its ok for hydro
  7. panta

    Can i use any fert. in hydro

    in my country nobody grows hydro and most dont even know about it,so all i ahve in the store the garden supply is these powder form ferts. like 15-30-15 /thats what i wana use for flowering/ can i use these in my hydro setup
  8. panta

    Can i use co2 like this

    i cant run a closed system for now but a friend told me that if i streched a hose perforated above the plants and injected co2 for a few minutes and turn the ventilation off for those few minutes repeating this every 30 minutes would give me a nice boost in yeild,any advice much appreciated
  9. panta

    Anyone used Short day cycles 6/12 ??

    when are u gonna start this
  10. panta

    Hydro's SOG Garden~5 Strains~2000 Flowering watts

    im in,ot a similar grow starting,first hydro grow
  11. panta

    vertical growing if a 600w light gives 1.00 foot (12 inches/30 cm) 9,000 fc at that distance and 1.50 foot (18 inches/45 cm) 5,600 lumens if u increase the distance for 6inches,then if u mesure the distance from the bulb to the reflective surfice of...
  12. panta

    Help Me

    go to grow faqs see what u can find there,u should start the solution at 0.5 EC,leave a little bit of space betwen the pot and water so the roots can hang in it,if need be u can water from above just to start it off
  13. panta

    HOW much light for the mothers

    how much light would i need to keep about 6-8 mothers,i need about 130clones every 10 days,currently i have 400w mh for them but now it got me thinking do they really need it maybe i can use 10 x 23wcfls to cover a bigger area,how much light do they need
  14. panta

    how bad is this algea

    this is a ebb and flow table i didnt get the time to put the distancers that i made to lift the plants so they wouldnt sit in the little pools of water and now i see alge forming,how bad is this,i cleaned this with a cloth and sparyed some hydrogen peroxide mixed with water 30ml per liter is that ok
  15. panta

    still can figure out waht is this

    i have a ebb and flow table,first time hydro,thats in perlite and just covered with a layer of clay pellets to hold the pots from floating,ph 5.7-6.2,nutrients 0.2-0.3 EC ,thats 100-130ppms on a bluelab meter,iv been growing for 2 years in soil but never had problems like these, it starts on the...
  16. panta

    Ebb and Flow DIY,first time hydro

    heres the pics of the parts i used for the table
  17. panta

    Ebb and Flow DIY,first time hydro

    first i assemble the table from water proof chip board using water proof glue and screws,then i drill the wholes for the fitting for the pump and the overflow /il post pics of those tomorow/then i put glue on the fitting that im using for the pump /the brass golden one/ and hammer it in place...
  18. panta

    Ebb and Flow DIY,first time hydro

    i posted this problem that im having a couple times in the last few days but nobody responded,its like rusty stains on the lower leaves mostly and one clone has it on the top leaves also,they are about 6-8 days old clones from a white russian plant,ec 0.3,temp 22-24c,hum.40-50%, 400w mh...
  19. panta

    Ebb and Flow DIY,first time hydro

    i started with hydroton washed it 10 times and it still managed to fuck up my ec and burn the plants so i switched to perlite but since its so tiny i had to wrap a ladys sock so it wouldnt pass through the wholes at the bottom,then the perlite started raising the ph daily i get it to 5.2-5.3 and...
  20. panta

    Ebb and Flow DIY,first time hydro

    been growing in soil for 2 years now perpetual,now im building a new growroom and i wanted to make it hydro,since i live in a shity country theres not that much stuff to buy so i have to make it myself,so il post pics for all of u who want to make something like this to save money or u dont have...