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  1. panta

    Can i make my ebb and flow table into DWC

    i did rinse it 10 times witch i thought is enough but as i later saw it wasnt,now to do that much cleaning of hydroton for 100-200l of it every month thats just too much work,thats why i switched to perlite it doesnt mess with the ec but it did mess with my ph so now im trying to get that under...
  2. panta

    RUST SPOTS,nee help,pics

    i have a ebb and flow table,first time hydro,thats in perlite and just covered with a layer of clay pellets to hold the pots from floating,ph 5.7-6.2,nutrients 0.2-0.3 EC ,thats 100-130ppms on a bluelab meter,iv been growing for 2 years in soil but never had problems like these, it starts on the...
  3. panta

    PM or thrips

    what is it,i dont see any thrips either
  4. panta

    PM or thrips

    this is a picture of a leaf from a mother plant in soil,to me it looks like thrips i need some advice,is that it or maybe powdery m
  5. panta

    Can i make my ebb and flow table into DWC

    these discs im using for cloning is that ok for flowering too
  6. panta

    Can i make my ebb and flow table into DWC

    Since i live in a poor country and dont have shit to buy so i have to make evrything myself,this is a ebb and flow table i made 1x2m 18cm deep,iv been having problems with my plants from the start first the hydroton raised the ec then i switched to perlite now it seems that its raising the ph of...
  7. panta

    some rusty spots on my leaves NEED HELP,PICS

    GH floranova and some subculture and supervit hesi,today i sprayed with some cal-mag and added some to the res. water,thats the onl thing i can think of,is ph 6.5 too much for hydro
  8. panta

    RO water how do i add cal,mag

    how much did u add
  9. panta

    RO water how do i add cal,mag

    i use to give my soil plants tao water,now im switching to hydro so i got a ro filter and i heard i should add calcium and magnesium,do i need to do it in veg. as in flowering andhow do i do this and in witch amount
  10. panta

    1oz+ per plant SoG, doable?

    did u ever try putting clones soon as they developed roots straight to flower,and is there a difference if i keep about 30-40 clones under a weak light something like 23w flourescent for a week and give em a little bit of nutrients and some root stimulator to enhance root growth would that give...
  11. panta

    some rusty spots on my leaves NEED HELP,PICS

    i have a ebb and flow table,first time hydro,thats in perlite and just covered with a layer of clay pellets to hold the pots from floating,ph 5.7-6.2,nutrients 0.2-0.3 EC ,thats 100-130ppms on a bluelab meter,iv been growing for 2 years in soil but never had problems like these starts on the...
  12. panta

    PH Question

    i have a ro filter this one thats what i wanted to know whats the preferable range before i have to intervene,these days i set it at 5.2-5.4 then tomorow it gets to 6.0-6.2 again i get back down and like that for 3 days,are u saying i...
  13. panta

    PH Question

    i got a ebb and flow table plants in perlite,the perlite seems to be raising the ph a bit every day,i set it at 5.2-5.3 i try to keep it as close to 5.8 but it gets to 6.0-6.3,is that alot of oscilating,do i need to adjust it every day
  14. panta

    looking for R.O system

    for the merlin that i own it says that about 75% of water gets wasted
  15. panta

    looking for R.O system

    tipe merlin garden pro
  16. panta

    1oz+ per plant SoG, doable?

    soory if my question is dumb but what are laterals,and can i add some nutes in the cloner under a weak light for a week does that make a difference
  17. panta

    co2, is it really worth it, and how much does it help?

    can u tell me when im adding co2 in my room can i run the valve for 30 second /thats how long it takes to fill it/ then have the fans off for that time about 5 minutes,after that get the vetilation back to normal and the temperature couse its gonna rise when the fans go off and repeat the cicle...
  18. panta

    optimal PPM for vegetative etc..

    i just set my solution at 0.3 ec,the plants had some problems till now,so is this too low
  19. panta

    1oz+ per plant SoG, doable?

    im thinking of putting clones straight to flower couse than i can get the extra 800w that i use for veg. and have another table in the floweringroom,i have a limit on the electricity that i can use,so does it make difference to have the clones under a few flourescent lights for a week ina dwc...