Can i use any fert. in hydro


Well-Known Member
in my country nobody grows hydro and most dont even know about it,so all i ahve in the store the garden supply is these powder form ferts. like 15-30-15 /thats what i wana use for flowering/ can i use these in my hydro setup


Well-Known Member
expensive ferts are better as plants rely on chelation, that is basically how readilly available or usable the nutrients are for the plants to use. the expensive brands are generally cleaner and will be used by the plant with far greater ease.

take seasol and an expensive fish emulsion.
seasol is black dirty looking and smelly (gets the job done though)
a more expensive version even just looking at it looks cleaner, doesnt stink anywhere near as much ( and to be honest the plants can uptake the more expensive version with greater ease)


Well-Known Member
Two things you must look for when buying nutrients for hydroponics: 1) Must be water soluble 2) Must contain NPK + Secondary nutrients + trace micronutrients

A lot of "Soil" fertilizers only contain NPK and maybe some Mg, Ca, and S, but usually no micros because 99% of soil already contains them. So just make sure that you purchase a "complete" water soluble fertilizer. The other option is ordering your hydro nutes online.

ol hippy

Well-Known Member
Look for technaflora,they have a kit called recipe for success. Its a package of nutes with complete instrutions. Its available on Amazon or e-bay. Also on their own website..


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the replys,i cant order nutes online couse the customs wont allow it,i got this fertilizer they said its water soluble il post the link later maybe some of u guy with more experience can check it see if its ok for hydro


Well-Known Member
i cant find this product on the net. but on the back of the bag it states for every element that its water soluble is this good enough