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  1. DoinIt2Gether


    Thanks man, I just wanted to compare mine to urs, I wanted to see if mine are where they should be for their age. Lookin good man!
  2. DoinIt2Gether

    Welcome New Members!

    As long as it is just the little round leaves that are dying then you are fine. If your nodes (leaves with serrated edges) start to die, then its time to worry.
  3. DoinIt2Gether


    What are ur measurements at now MK, and how long u been veggin? They look superb by the way.
  4. DoinIt2Gether

    First "real" grow...DoinIt2Gether and doin it right (hopefully)

    Thanks JR! I'm amazed at how nice this little clone has bushed right out. She's gonna grow up to be beautiful!
  5. DoinIt2Gether

    First "real" grow...DoinIt2Gether and doin it right (hopefully)

    I have attached pics of a WW clone that I pulled off a flowering mother about a month ago. It was very small and pathetic lookin when I planted it, but is looking much better now.:clap: My question is since it is so little and has so many nodes and even branches already, should I top it using...
  6. DoinIt2Gether

    If I don't know the answer I will find it for you.

    I gotta question for u. I have been lookin for some info about different types of topping for my one lady. If u could plz come check out my grow and give me a pointer or two, that would be great. I have a few different strains goin, and they are all growin at different rates, but my mids are...
  7. DoinIt2Gether


    Gonna put up some pics? I really dont think its worth it to any of us to bother viewing your profile to get to least to me it isnt. HI again MK, or should I say Micky? Its nice to meet you grizz, I'd love to have your knowledge to refer to. Admittedly, I dont know much about what I'm...
  8. DoinIt2Gether

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Hey again all my friends! My auto still arent growing very much, but I'm not worried just yet. All four of them are stayin small, and my other plants are growing, so I dont think its anything I'm doing wrong. Maybe just a slow starting strain, no-one seems to know anything about it. On...
  9. DoinIt2Gether

    First "real" grow...DoinIt2Gether and doin it right (hopefully)

    Okay, I know what u mean. Another stupid question though, if I bend it, wont the side that is facing down get alot less light? I cant imagine thats good. :(
  10. DoinIt2Gether

    First "real" grow...DoinIt2Gether and doin it right (hopefully)

    I will be looking into buying an HPS a little further down the road, but I thought I would start with cfls. I'm going to keep them for sidelighting regardless. What do you mean by training? And what is supercropping? Sorry if I sound like a doofus LOL
  11. DoinIt2Gether

    First "real" grow...DoinIt2Gether and doin it right (hopefully)

    These are the new pics of my babies. The biggest ones are the mids and the one I topped is obvious. They are both growin good now. The third pic is my skunk, those lil suckers dont wanna grow at all.
  12. DoinIt2Gether

    First "real" grow...DoinIt2Gether and doin it right (hopefully)

    Can anyone give me an answer as to if adding 42 watt cfls will help if they are the wrong color spectrum? The ones I can find are 4100K.
  13. DoinIt2Gether

    First "real" grow...DoinIt2Gether and doin it right (hopefully)

    oh, and thanks for the tips on the males, I checked the two that are getting big and they both look female to me, but that could just be wishful thinking LOL
  14. DoinIt2Gether

    First "real" grow...DoinIt2Gether and doin it right (hopefully)

    I'd like to try hydro too, once I have more experience. The only 42 watters I can find are 4100K and I was told that is useless light. Is it still helpful because of the extra lumens or something?
  15. DoinIt2Gether

    First "real" grow...DoinIt2Gether and doin it right (hopefully)

    Hey again! Time for another update. I added a few more splitters and bulbs to my room so now I have 5 26 watt cfls over my 3 revegging ladies and a total of 9 over my two mids, 4 autos, and two skunks. I have them positioned so that they all have at least one and for the most part, two bulbs...
  16. DoinIt2Gether

    Welcome New Members!

    Ive got some baby superskunks goin right now, they are only a couple weeks old...Are you experienced with this strain? All of my babies seem to be doin wierd shit...If ur willin 2 give me some pointers, plz check out the link in my sig. Thanks!
  17. DoinIt2Gether

    First "real" grow...DoinIt2Gether and doin it right (hopefully)

    wow, that last post looks freakin wierd...I wonder y it put some of my answers up top...I didn't put them there LOL
  18. DoinIt2Gether

    First "real" grow...DoinIt2Gether and doin it right (hopefully)

    Thats what I thought, but I really want to re veg enough to pull some clones. I just harvested these ladies and the smoke was pretty darn good. I have the extra space for them, so I thought y not? I have 2 WW and 2 BBxPH hybrids (called blue haze I think...) That way I have some guarenteed...
  19. DoinIt2Gether

    Welcome New Members!

    I think u just go to the forums main page and look for a button that says "new thread", "start thread" or maybe just "thread". I'm not real sure, but i know it only took a min to figure out how to post when I did it.
  20. DoinIt2Gether

    First "real" grow...DoinIt2Gether and doin it right (hopefully)

    hey man, thanks for the tip. Does anyone here know anything about re-vegging plants?