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  1. S

    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    Alright take a deepp breath just to start off hermies arent bad they just produce buds with seeds. No big deal youll def still get bud. And the reason why it is green seed is b/c the seed isnt mature enough. Hermies are okay. But i still think it might be a coincidental occasion. your plant...
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    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    oh yeah youll see a ratio x-x-x on the feed box some where usually where it tells the percentage of types of nutrient. That is what you compare the ratios. Get anything close it does not have to be exact.
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    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    You have it all mixed up. NPK is the ratio of the nutes. NPK Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and potasium 20-20-20 during vegatation 8-34-8 durng flowering to get the most out of your plant. for flowering something with high phosphorus. some growers feed every day but this can be dangerous for new...
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    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    well i kinda meant that. Try different techniques. LST low stress training really maxs out you plants potential. Get 8 colas at least if you do it right. Supercropping mokes multiple colas from the side braches. And topping is pruning them so where you prune em two branches grow from that point...
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    Organic AF GWS, AK47, WD/ 400hps Stealth cabinet grow

    Nice pics man. Kick ass bitches.
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    nice plants bro keep me posted. And anytime u have a question just ask ill help u the best of my...

    nice plants bro keep me posted. And anytime u have a question just ask ill help u the best of my abilitys. If im not online i will get back 2 u.
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    Ansered your questions on my thread

    Ansered your questions on my thread
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    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    Whatever is best for you cheap and effective was the ways i used to go it worked if u are a broke stoner. But not any more. If your worried about hieght try LST, supercropping or topping these all keep the plant fairly shorter and makes multiple colas.
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    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    I would start to feed with a 20-20-20 nutrients when they first sprout is fisrts third leaves. even then 1/4 strngth 2-3 times a week alternating days. remember do not over water just when the soil is dry 1/2 an inch down from the top. Stick your finger in.
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    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    HAHAHA Nutttin like some pussy aftr smokin weed in the mornin to get u offf......... to a good start of the day.
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    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    Well im out for a smoke ride leave a message and ill get back 2 u.
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    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    Does anybody else need my assistance?
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    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    Any body else have any questions?
  14. S

    you dont have to soak the leaves. Just the stems be 4 puttin the gel on then after planted then...

    you dont have to soak the leaves. Just the stems be 4 puttin the gel on then after planted then mistem with leftover 1/4 nute water.
  15. S

    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    you dont have to soak the leaves. Just the stems be 4 puttin the gel on then after planted then mistem with leftover 1/4 nute water.
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    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    When you are plaanting it are u sure it hasnt rubed off? Yeah try misting ithem just dont put that much nues in 1/4 strength. try it
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    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    Yep any time and if im not online give me time i will respond. Prob out for a smoke break.
  18. S

    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    Cloning is a delicate process for the beginning stage. You are using cloning gel/powder. Cloning works better in a medium caus you can moniter root growth. After you get the cutting soak it in some 1/4 strength. Nutrient solution. Then dip into some clonin powder and have a hole pre made into...
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    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    If she has nute burn stop feeding with the organics and flush. When she recovers and there is time left to grow feed with half strength of what u are giving her. Have any pics? Show me some if u do.