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  1. dirt clean

    Ozone Generator

    Hehe. That is the one that I got. It will work. It is nice. Too nice. Get on craigs list and find a smaller one, especially for that small a space. This is what you do. I have the same situaion. Get a smaller one or that one. Get a charcoal filter. When you are in the room turn it off so...
  2. dirt clean

    Four trees. 600 or 1000 hps in seven gal pots?

    I am running my medical perpetual grow with four trees in veg and four trees in flower. I have a tri-band ufo I am trying for veg and a 400 watt lumatek for flower. I vegged with the 400 this time and wow they are huge. I have just taken clones and am using the ufo. I am using seven gallon...
  3. dirt clean

    Coco Growers Unite!

    YES, it would give some base nutes to help your plants. Better when growing organic. Getting some more of that organic goodness in their.
  4. dirt clean

    you're that guy kent from "real genius" all alone.

    you're that guy kent from "real genius" all alone.
  5. dirt clean

    Blue Mountian Organics

    what a douche. I am sorry you can't spell, too. :hump:
  6. dirt clean

    Making Tea - is EZ.... & Cheap !

    as for bubbles, I got this one. I have read numerous studies that the larger bubbles are what we are looking for. I have removed my airstones and added a weight to the tube and I am seeing the results. At about hour 18 I begin to see bubbles forming and around hour 24 I feed. Bubbles are a...
  7. dirt clean

    Blue Mountian Organics

    PPM pens don't really read organic nutrients because of their [lack of] electrical conductivity. EC/TDS is a measure of the conductivity of the solution, which only reflects the ionic components. With organic fertilizers a lot of the nutes are bound up in carbon compounds and not very...
  8. dirt clean

    Blue Mountian Organics

    from everything that I read you should not as it is organic and their is no salts, as I understand it. I beleive I have read that at a hydro store. Are you really getting no results. I have awesome grows. I also use batguano and fish emulsion too ocaionally. I have just begun flower. I will...
  9. dirt clean

    Rabbit Food vs Rabbit Poo

    I would think that the rabbit crap would have some bacterial appeal. Bacteria is what actually breaks down the NPK in the soil and a fresh shot from poop, castings, or compost is always a good thing. Use both. It wont hurt.
  10. dirt clean

    Phatkix Organix

    cool, by super soil, do you mean that you are aiming for a water only grow in that soil? If so does the heavy nutes not burn the seeds or are they ok by the time the get out of rr. I was in ocean forest with rr and the plants looked a little messed up for a week or 2 then evened out.
  11. dirt clean

    Blue Mountian Organics

    what a douche.
  12. dirt clean

    SOIL you dont have to feed?

    I agree. They are usually called super soil or water only grows. Subcool has a huge forum. His super soil. I also found this. . It is full of mixes. I add kelp meal and greensand to subcools mix. I am still waiting on results. I agree, water only is...
  13. dirt clean

    Organic Soil - When to feed

    Yeah, I dont know about that soil. If that is true then no bonemeal yet. If it is slow release then you have to cook it first. I mean mix it into a soil mix in a rubbermaid or a trashcan for a few weeks before you use it. Water this mix lightly and turn it. Try and water it with some...
  14. dirt clean

    X box & Baked's virgin grow

    Oh yeah, I love the lady bugs. Get them! I got them and they were good. No bugs. When they died after a time, then I got bugs. I live in a bad for bug area. I tried a diy compost outside and the fruit flies got right in. If you get in to organic worms farms and things, which are a good idea, I...
  15. dirt clean

    X box & Baked's virgin grow

    Congratulations. It looks good. I can suggest a few things, no condescension dude. :) -Try to lower the light. -keep in one gallons for now, wait till you see roots. -water a quart whenever the dirt is dry an inch down. use yer finger. A quart a gallon is a good rule to water. Never over a...
  16. dirt clean

    120W LED + Rainforest 66 + Papaya

    hey man, you need to try an experiment. I had the 18 watt. I out it right over the plants. Like an inch. I put a cfl a half foot away. The plant bent over sideways to get to the cfl. Those are half watt leds. I was pissed. I just bought the triband UFO. I love it. I am no bashing leds. But...
  17. dirt clean

    Foliar v. Soil feeding & ratios

    A nice foliar feed is nice somtimes in veg and maybe early in flower before the formation of any buds. I would then stop. Foliar feeding is nice for several reasons. It coats the leaves with bacterias and organisms that help the plant and keep her disease free. Also it feeds the plants in...
  18. dirt clean

    i paid for elite now what ?

    :hug: lol, that was when I decided to grow. . . :)
  19. dirt clean

    Organic Soil - When to feed

    hard to beleive now but you will be able to tell when your plants need a feed. I would wait until you get to the third node. You prob wont burn anything until then but the plants can be sensitive when they are young. I would not even put them in with that bonemeal yet, but bonemeal takes a...
  20. dirt clean

    i paid for elite now what ?

    I donated 5 dollars twice, do I get an honorary membership. That was like a few weeks ago. I asked to be kept off the list of donors but gave my email and handle. ?