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  1. dogglet forever

    How do i germinate with a peat plug

    man stop over thinking this..... ditto on what Mcfried said
  2. dogglet forever

    2 weeks into flower, let me know.

    not too shabby for 2 weeks
  3. dogglet forever

    Winter outdoor growing

    maybe if you vegged for a bit inside your house... then moved outdoors... because the sun is still in the red spectrum, and is getting bluer everyday
  4. dogglet forever

    5 weeks flowering bag seed

    very nice... are they clones?... i'd say 3 more weeks
  5. dogglet forever

    Generator in apartment?

    those honda generators are still only slightly quieter than a lawn mower... and thats outside... not in a enclosed apartment room, that reflective sound is gonna be loud no matter how much sound proof you have... i don't know if you have ever priced sound proofing tiles... look it up on guitar...
  6. dogglet forever

    How do i germinate with a peat plug

    the hole only goes half way down if you feel the need to cover it than by all means cover it heres what seedling/clone dome setup is... underneath is a heat mat... i use pucks for clones and seedlings...
  7. dogglet forever

    How do i germinate with a peat plug

    dude or lady... just drop the pucks into water they'll expand, drop your seed or seeds into the provided hole... put in warm place light or dark... and walk away in about 4 days to a week you should have a seedling to torture... J/k
  8. dogglet forever

    What's wrong w my plants? (pics)

    man i would go ahead start flushing and get ready to harvest that baby... ROSEMEN... thanx for the directions 30 grams of leaves stems and some bits of bud.... more than was expecting... enough to share!!
  9. dogglet forever

    THC Worms - Proof they exist!

    this thread is still alive?!?! i forgot about it and now i want to puke again
  10. dogglet forever

    too green or not too green

    1st shake at oil making is my alcohol too green?
  11. dogglet forever

    is this too green?

    this is my first attempt to make oil and i think my alcohol is too green?
  12. dogglet forever

    All Natural as opposed to Nutes

    i like your angle and it would great to have some visual stimulation
  13. dogglet forever

    What's wrong w my plants? (pics)

    how does the new growth look? Whats up ROSEMAN!!
  14. dogglet forever

    Weekend smokers?

    is it a studio apartment?
  15. dogglet forever

    List of BUZZ KILLS

    people who ruin good posts by starting shit...
  16. dogglet forever

    What to use to make them fatter {pics}

    read my previous reply to this post, and you discover how to plump up your bud... you see how yours are running on the very top... king kong
  17. dogglet forever

    What happens to you when your out of smoke?

    really it tastes like a mocha with no mocha it... the shits kicking in now... i hate the taste and smell of cannabutter, and this rather enjoyable...but you have to careful... because it no fun n the bathroom, and i have a basketball game later. its from some stuff i grow pic
  18. dogglet forever

    What to use to make them fatter {pics}

    neptune is great... i create a blend of 11 herbs and spices to get big ole' chicken legs... whoo pig sooie
  19. dogglet forever

    What happens to you when your out of smoke?

    now this is a good Saturday morning right chere! hot coffee w/ butter and nugs and good buddys on RIU