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  1. dogglet forever

    What do i do with the trimmings?? Store, Dry somehow?????

    a tricomb is a tricomb... when you cure pot your dealing with the taste of the green matter, tricombs are ready depending on color cured or not
  2. dogglet forever

    What do i do with the trimmings?? Store, Dry somehow?????

    i just put mine in a paper bag and on top of some place warm they dry pretty quick been making some good butter, haven't tried making hash yet
  3. dogglet forever

    Butter Molds?

    cool! man thanks...
  4. dogglet forever

    What nutes i need to vedge?

    the cheapest is fish Emulsion but only good for first 4-5 weeks of feeding then go to EJ or the like to sustain health of the plant
  5. dogglet forever

    Butter Molds?

    my questionis after my intial set after i drain the water, can i reheat the butter and put in molds w/o affecting the potentcy... if did under extremely low heat? my butter has been changing heads and i want a novel way of shipping.
  6. dogglet forever

    Who thinks Obama smokes tree?

    how long do the batteries last on that model?
  7. dogglet forever

    Who thinks Obama smokes tree?

    good call on that one... red or blue, they're on the same team
  8. dogglet forever

    birth control pills

    for real? hell i dont know LOL!
  9. dogglet forever

    Who thinks Obama smokes tree?

    robots can't get high
  10. dogglet forever

    where to buy mason jars...?

    big lots 5 bucks...
  11. dogglet forever

    white fuzz on my stem sprouts. what is it?

    thanks for the rep
  12. dogglet forever

    birth control pills

    i totally dig exprimenting... i dont have access to BCP's, i can't ask my GF to get any BCP's for me w/o looking like a freak... she dosen't know i grow... yet /if ever... and i can't go to planned parent hood and easliy explain my situation... so i came to the best forum on the planet to see if...
  13. dogglet forever

    white fuzz on my stem sprouts. what is it?

    no i meant if you germ a seed in a paper towel and forget about it and comeback a week and a half later the seedling will have developed the fuzzy clump of roots as pictured in the wet paper towel
  14. dogglet forever

    birth control pills

    my girl uses the the thing in the arm... and i can't disrupt my prep grow... just thought it was strange
  15. dogglet forever

    Welcome!!! ONLY Miracle Growers are Allowed.. Everybody else?...go play on a highway

    to me its kinda like... a weed plant grows naturally robust in a good enviroment with no added nutrient... so it would seems to me that any nutrient would make it grow great... the problem i have is that when i'm ready to consume the plant via smoking/butter (ecspecially the butter) that the...
  16. dogglet forever

    birth control pills

    i ran across this today...A solution of one pill to one gallon of water has been reported to cause increased growth speed in tomato weed plants. It is possible this will help herb weed plants too. One treatment administered before flowering and one administered a few weeks before harvesting...
  17. dogglet forever

    best pothead job?

    all the free soil you want
  18. dogglet forever

    Good to clone?

    i tried to beat around the bush by not getting one with no luck... and since i was determined to have a perp grow i bought this setup... pic... it ran me 40.00 usd but is worth every penny... cloning isn't a big deal now i just chop dip stick 98% success in rapid rooters but i've used peat pucks...
  19. dogglet forever

    Is this normal?

    they have no choice but to do what you want them to do.
  20. dogglet forever

    A pH question?

    wow 5.5 out of the tap?... the trick is to keep your PH level consistant. if you give 6.0 ph keep it 6.0 PH... more advanced growers adjust the ph during the life cycle but in my exprience it won't make or break the grow... if your water is 5.5 i would keep it there your nutes will raise your ph...