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  1. dogglet forever

    new years eve cake...

    that seems fair...
  2. dogglet forever

    new years eve cake...

    so i made a weed cake using some cannabutter (pic 1 the rest of the butter... not much)... the people hosting the party i went too kept the the bringer of the cake (ME) a secret. well it blew the lids off everyone who partook, and we all laughed in the NY... well some people have been asking...
  3. dogglet forever

    good weed from not so good seed?

    i clone from flowering cuttings all the time it takes awhile though... but worth it if you find some good smoke. the pic is some cuttings i took 5 weeks ago, normally they would be double that size.... i usually use peat pucks or rapid rooters, the plain soil didn't work so great.
  4. dogglet forever

    good weed from not so good seed?

    man i'm going to hve to check that stuff out i recently ran into a string of hermies that were beautiful plants and would've like to save them
  5. dogglet forever

    Soil flushing question

    if the plants r in the pot you plan on flowering in, just water on your schedule, and don't worry about flushing, until the leaves go back normal. if your transplanting then do so and just use water no nutes when you water it.
  6. dogglet forever

    Fan leaves curling under

    those are flowering leaves... i think that they are called fruit leaves... i always thought i was over over ferting, i would flush and flush and never any change in appearance... my thinking is now that... unless i see slow budding i'm not too concerned with leaf appearance unless i got bugs or...
  7. dogglet forever

    questions on pruning

    if your wanting to lollipop your plant, yes trim all vegitation beneath the top leaves and node.
  8. dogglet forever

    Opinions and advice needed pics attached

    this strain is an unknown KB strain.... if you think you can i dentify it i post some dried pics... when i grow from seed i veg for at least 9 weeks... when replace mother plants and they are like 5-6 months old they produce some crazy buds. clones are great because they are already mature when...
  9. dogglet forever

    look i had a visitor - wtf?

    okay well, if the cops all start looking inside i'll just go back to growing outside...
  10. dogglet forever

    how bad is this going to stink???

    like the goverment has been WAITING to unveil new equipment for 2009! hahaha! in my state the indoor sites that get busted are from TIPS, or meth houses where they just so happened to be growing some smoke... no HIGH tech survailance mumbo jumbo.... as public enemy used say "don't beleive the hype"
  11. dogglet forever

    How taller will she get

    dont top her she's stressed enough and she'll probably herm out on you.. +get more lights+ and make sure it is completely dark in your cycle... and keep a calender!! .lol
  12. dogglet forever

    questions on pruning

    don't do it your going to stunt its growth ive done this before (pic) it doesnt work that great 2nd pic is next to her sister... i dont top or FIM anymore when growing inside... some reason they turn into hermies.... but as you can see a big difference... the big one produced just under 2...
  13. dogglet forever

    Opinions and advice needed pics attached

    nice job so far..... are you considering cloning? 600 watts is fine, heres a sample (pic) of what i harvest under my 400 watt hps... this one is curing now and holding strong at an ounce....
  14. dogglet forever

    what do u think of my micro grow? (pics)

    i'm trying too find some one to do it, between my job, working out, my perp grow, brewing, and girlfriend, i have plenty to do already.... i originally wanted to raise males in it to collect pollen so i could start some hybrids... but i have been having some bad luck with hermies w/ my plants...
  15. dogglet forever

    Upgrade help

    i'd get 80.00 dollar one
  16. dogglet forever

    what do u think of my micro grow? (pics)

    my friend made this a couple of weeks ago... its 8 inch concrete tube which is moisture resistant, two 8 inch empty wire spools, and a computer fan... i had a clone in there for a couple of weeks to flower but my timer didnt work... the whole thing needs some tweeking but if i lived in dorm or...
  17. dogglet forever

    First grow a success, looking to make round 2 better.

    before you go to a LED setup... i would first stick to what is tried and true therefore a HPS is the only option that will truely give you what your truely looking for.... weight! it seems you have got the knack for growing great looking smoke... so perfect your art w/ 150 200 watt hps... then...
  18. dogglet forever


    mother plants can live for years as long as you crop branches to keep new growth active and 24 or 18 hour light cycles... however i keep my moms under 24 hour light just to keep out any chances of budding (peace of mind thing). in the wild the plants will live from the time of germination...
  19. dogglet forever

    flowering help..please

    ok if this respose gets mixed up... i'm high as hell on some butter i'm assuming the plant is from bag seed? and most all strains mature at different times... pistils turning red at 4 weeks is normal, since your original growth is giving wqay to new growth, in my exprience with bag seed 6...
  20. dogglet forever

    1st indoor harvest... i told myself i wouldn't...

    well usually if you have made to the jar stage with no problems "burping" is no big deal because i know i take the top off each jar i have multiple times a day to get a whiff of sweet success... so burping is realitivly