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  1. mr.smileyface

    Mite problem solved?

    How do i know when they are dead?
  2. mr.smileyface

    Does a normal 10-30-20 contain cal?

    I bought a big bag of blue 10-30-20 and im wondering if it contains calcium? I dont know the brand but its a big bag probly 25 pounds. what would a calcium def. look like?
  3. mr.smileyface

    finally harvested Applejack

    how did you dry the buds?
  4. mr.smileyface

    Yellowing leaves, micro nutes? ~40 days into flower.

    DOnt buy superthrive. try aussietonic. Its alot better. As for the classsic 12-36-14. You are going to need more K. Try added a fert of 2-7-17. That is basicly what Kushie Kush is.. Kushie Kush is what i use with my 10-30-20.. It also contains 1% MG and amino acids.... I add hyrdoboost in the...
  5. mr.smileyface

    Mite problem solved?

    yea i was going to do another 2 weeks of spraying twice a week. I do it lighter each time so the bud doesnt smoke harsh
  6. mr.smileyface

    Mite problem solved?

    Hey fellow rollitupers. I had a serious case of mites which i think i solved. I sprayed neem oil waited to days and got in there with the azamax. I used a two gallon sprayer so i could get under the leaves better. I went in there tonight and the bugs turned white. I dont have a scope so i cant...
  7. mr.smileyface

    Spider Mites

    Hey when the mites are dead what will they look like on the underside of the leaf...I dont have a 30x but they used to look more alive. Now they are white flakes. Are they dead?
  8. mr.smileyface

    Adjusting soil pH - am I doing this right?

    Yea well it basicly hyrdo. they like 5.5-6.2. instead of 6-7 for soil. Your not understanding my question, sorry. Lets just say your soil is a nutrual 7 and you want to lower it. So you water with 6.2 ph leveld water. would it bring it to 6.2 or 6.5 or somewhere around there?
  9. mr.smileyface

    Spider Mite Control

    I dont have a 30x scope. but i know mites when i see them..I sprayed neem oil and then two days later i sprayed azamax. I got them good under the leafs when i used a pump sprayer. I avoided the buds(4weeks in) and got under all their leaves... Now i look and they are white specs that can be...
  10. mr.smileyface

    Adjusting soil pH - am I doing this right?

    I have a ph pen.. it says 6.2. .. would that make the soiless ph 6.2?
  11. mr.smileyface

    Adjusting soil pH - am I doing this right?

    i Have a quik question.. Will the nutes change the ph if the water is perfect ph. 6.2... if i had something akailan like rhinoskin. how much would it bring the ph up? its is soilless mix that is buffer with lime to so it wont go over 7ph. Lets say just its at 7.. would it go to 6.2 if i water...
  12. mr.smileyface

    BuBBa KusH. Yield questions

    I ment 5 weeks done.
  13. mr.smileyface

    spider mites?

    First before they go into your room.. Spray your cuttings with a light neem oil dilute.. If mites appear a week after the neem oil, spray with AZAMax. Then if they are still there do a pyrth bomb and get them with neem oil to get the eggs
  14. mr.smileyface

    GROwMans 8 plant closet/ attic grow

    Where i am from that is called a 5 point white tail
  15. mr.smileyface

    BuBBa KusH. Yield questions

    thats about 5 weeks
  16. mr.smileyface

    Yellowing leaves, micro nutes? ~40 days into flower.

    It gets enough N. you shouldnt worry to much. maybe try flushing it with a qauter strenght nute mix and see what happends
  17. mr.smileyface

    Yellowing leaves, micro nutes? ~40 days into flower.

    your plants look healthy. you should worry bout dead leaves on the bottom. It would only be a problem if it was dead buds or big leaves on the top . the lower leaves always die off. just prune them
  18. mr.smileyface

    Yellowing leaves, micro nutes? ~40 days into flower.

    Thats why most ferts with P carry Magnesium. its other whys known as a bloom or budbooster product. Every dry 15-30-15 or whtever you are using should have magnesium or they wouldnt sell anything.. I have peters 10-30-20 i recommend these to anyone. Use one tablespoon per gallon untill the end...