Search results

  1. IregAt420

    Have you ever got high on the job?

    I smoked at Arbys all the time. Best day of my time there was when I took 4 too many hits and instead of wrapping the sandwich i tried to hand it to my manager, who gave me that look like, "wtf are you doing". I never had an easy day after that. I smoked a little at wal mart as a cashier but i...
  2. IregAt420

    What's better than K2?

    this shit always makes my head hurt and i dont know a lot about it, but sometimes i just need a head change. k2 is alright, but this shit i found near the casino in my area called KUSH lol no lie, its 30 for 1.5 gs and i tripped so fkn hard..
  3. IregAt420

    Favorite TV Shows?

    Of course, Family guy Robot chicken Here I'm gonna save myself time and say [as] but not the anime River Monsters ....and uh the rest is bullshit thrown into molecular form and displayed as people.
  4. IregAt420

    What kind of job do you have?

    Send me coooookiiiesss!!!!!!!!!!
  5. IregAt420

    What kind of job do you have?

    Thats awesome! I'd probably be the kid laughin in the background at you bahaha! But hell yeah more power to you! -UPDATE!!!!!!! Wal-mart called me this morning and told me the results of my piss test came back and they were........(suspense filled break) CLEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap::hump...
  6. IregAt420

    ah yes, I love this time of year!! Day temps are 70`F to 75`F.. just love it!

    Definitely my favorite time of the year. Altho I have no green, I've been spending my nights on my back porch with my pipe and laptop. The trees kinda block out the sky, and it puts off an eery feeling with the acorns falling, but I have grown to love the sounds and this...
  7. IregAt420

    how can i pass pee test

    If you love weed then you will realize you need money to buy weed and therefore you need to quit smoking love and working for weed. It works. I just took one today, havent smoked for 2 months just to be sure. Dont try to take clean piss in there man, its not very fool proof. They are catching a...
  8. IregAt420

    What kind of job do you have?

    Lol, I really didn't want to embarrass the guy :lol::hump:
  9. IregAt420

    What kind of job do you have?

    Yeah Northwest arkansas. Heres my fucked up story of the day. -So I go in for my piss test today at e-screen. Hadn't pissed all day. I had 12 oz of dr pepper, footlong subway jalepeno sandwich from subway, then a bottle of dasani water. I go in and piss. Its REALLY yellow. But I'm not worried...
  10. IregAt420

    What kind of job do you have?

    Did you know when the tests were or was it just one random per year? And congrats and pushin through!
  11. IregAt420

    What kind of job do you have?

    I wish I could be a server because I actually like entertaing the guests but I know I'd be a cook, seeing as tho I'm a male lol. I dont see many waiters any more.
  12. IregAt420

    I miss you bro, I think of you every fuckin day and I cant fuckin wait till you get out and we...

    I miss you bro, I think of you every fuckin day and I cant fuckin wait till you get out and we can go back to the old days. I toke 6 everytime i can for you bro.
  13. IregAt420

    Best Smoking Session You Ever Had

    I dont expect anyone to understand this experience...but it must be shared. A great friend and I, (OldChiefer)-his riu name were planning a bonfire. We set up this PERFECT little pit, sat there and enjoyin a few joints. After a while the conversation started taking felt like we were...
  14. IregAt420

    What kind of job do you have?

    I worked with a shit ton of high school girls and it was high school ten fold. I smoked in the walk in freezer once lol. I only had one friend there that i knew from the college and we ended up bein smoke buddies for a while but he was paranoid to the point where i was getting paranoid so that...
  15. IregAt420

    What kind of job do you have?

    I worked at Arbys and yes I loved my smoke breaks by the trash can hahahaha. I loved getting high and working the slicer then eating alllll the bacon and pickles, then cooking more bacon and getting more pickles from the walk in. Funny thing is once I got a little too trashed and I wrapped a...
  16. IregAt420

    What kind of job do you have?

    Yeah, I have been alllll over NWA looking for jobs and nothing. Then out of the blue the one fuckin place I dont want to work calls. So gotta do it. And props for living in Alaska, I went there last year during Salmon Frenzy, and I'm definitely moving there.
  17. IregAt420

    What kind of job do you have?

    Reason I ask is...How do you juggle work and not have to worry bout random drug tests? I guess I ask this because I seriously dont know what I want to do, and I was just going to see if any of your jobs would be something I would be interested in, although I am not going to base my career on...
  18. IregAt420

    and here i thought the terminator was just a movie...

    Sounds like I need to train with some fkn ninjas and train to become a body builder...that guy kicked the shit out of that 4 legged one and it just keeps going. I cant match that, and i dont exactly have a high powered automatic weapon. Thats IF I even seen the damn creeper coming.
  19. IregAt420

    Resin in my bowl.. want to smoke it.. but nothing to put it on.. how to go about it??

    I've had plenty of dry spots, and resin is a life take it in stride and just rip it, hold it, and go on with it. Tastes like shit, but at least you get the head change.
  20. IregAt420

    The Fish Thread

    There is thousands of people there, so if your not one of the people that gets closest to the release spot, its going to be a long day!