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  1. Sicklyminded

    Ok. Just let me know how much it is before you buy it.

    Ok. Just let me know how much it is before you buy it.
  2. Sicklyminded

    Ok just let me know how much it will be before you make any purchases.

    Ok just let me know how much it will be before you make any purchases.
  3. Sicklyminded

    Umm would it be possible to get some purple haze?

    Umm would it be possible to get some purple haze?
  4. Sicklyminded

    My Stealth Hydro System

    I think your right bluey. I'm going to have to pick up a ppm meter. I read that i could be a potassium deficiency. I'm really nerves i don't want my plant to die!
  5. Sicklyminded

    My Stealth Hydro System

    ok so my plants turning yellow. So this either means i'm having a nutrient problem or some thing else.... Does anyone know how to test which nutrient is lacking?
  6. Sicklyminded

    Oh you are the fucking man dude! Would love to grow me some haze...

    Oh you are the fucking man dude! Would love to grow me some haze! Pleaaeeeeaaaaaassssseeeeee!!!!! Let me know lol.
  7. Sicklyminded

    Thats cool i mean i'd be willing to pay you whatever for like 5 or 6 seeds. I'm only attempting...

    Thats cool i mean i'd be willing to pay you whatever for like 5 or 6 seeds. I'm only attempting to grow 2 plants for experimentation so I mean let me know. How bad could the bag seed be?
  8. Sicklyminded

    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    LMAO! One more newb question concerning my plant. Should i clip the little burnt yello edge as seen in the last picture or should i just leave it be?
  9. Sicklyminded

    Hey herb, would it be possible for you to send me some seeds? I don't trust websites and the...

    Hey herb, would it be possible for you to send me some seeds? I don't trust websites and the shit the is circualting by me has no strain (as it should be). Please write back.
  10. Sicklyminded

    Thanx a lot man i appreciate it! Your getting rep for that :P.

    Thanx a lot man i appreciate it! Your getting rep for that :P.
  11. Sicklyminded

    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    HAHAHAHA i know right lol. Here is a pic of my setup and the plants Note: The first pic (my setup pic) is a little out of date. I changed the grow medium to lay pellets.
  12. Sicklyminded

    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    I'm having some problems with my nutrients. I don't know if i'm using to much or to little. The directions are kinda vague or i just can't properly understand them. I'm using Earth Juice Grow. Can you clarify proper mixing if i only have a gallon of water in my reservoir?
  13. Sicklyminded

    My Stealth Hydro System

    OK, so i need to clarify a few things in what has become a journal. I started this grow, from seed, on february 2nd 2009 DESPITE WHAT I HAVE MAY OR MAY NOT SAID IN PREVIOUS POSTS(my memory is a little shot form all the pot). Other than that this is the next update to my stealth grow room's...
  14. Sicklyminded

    Cfl's for new clones

    I am a CFLs user and i love the vegg results i get from them; however, i still am a little confused about the budding aspect of it. Now i know that there are probably threads on RIU for explaining this BUT would anyone care to further educate me in the budding aspect of CFLs? I have a...
  15. Sicklyminded

    Shout Outs and Sounds Offs

    This is the musicians thread... If you play an instrument, are in a band, are in to audio engineering, enjoy smoking, or just dicks around with a guitar, here is the place for you Post links to your music here weather it be youtube, myspace, pure volume, or your own website, just throw it up...
  16. Sicklyminded

    Horny Goat Weed and other "fun" herbs

    Hey dude. Check out my stealth system. It it fairly easy to setup. Use it as a guideline to create your own setup. Happy Growing! Btw if you have any questions about my setup or in need of some advice feel free to ask.
  17. Sicklyminded

    Micro pc cfl ghetto bagseed grow

    This is pretty cool dude! Nice DIY stealth system! I'm going to subscribe :P
  18. Sicklyminded

    Closet Water Culture

    Hey man i'm doing the same thing except i got few seeds from some friends. got my hands on some panama red. You can check out some of my pics in my album in my profile if your curious. Some things to keep in mind: Rabbit poop is your best cheap dirt fertilized (if you can find a way to compost...
  19. Sicklyminded

    deep water culture

    I am a fan of Earth Grow. It just works for me. You can even get experimental! I heard rabbit poop makes for great nutrient! (i wouldn't with a bubbler though)