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  1. GoPostalMan

    stem is soft and plant fell over

    you need to give that bitch some nutes! she's vegging, and she needs N. Again, lack of nutes could be why you have a soft stem, she shouldn't be falling over at that size. Use a thick plastic straw, or a plastic stick and bread ties and stand her back up. Don't use wood, it rots and molds...
  2. GoPostalMan

    PH Problems 101

    yea. you can get PH Down in walmart in the pool section, or just go to a hydro store and get it.. whatever. Just remember you don't have to use much.. so don't load that water with PH down, also let the water sit out for a bit before you use the water still.
  3. GoPostalMan

    has to be the soil.. right?

    Yo. you probably have a lack of nutrition because your water's PH is screwed up. You NEED a ph tester the minute those guys are seedlings. Otherwise they won't get the nutrition they need from the ferts in the soil. Get a tester at walmart in the fish section for 5 bucks and test your water.
  4. GoPostalMan

    Pics - Nute Burn

    realize i should have taken a closer pic, but i'll wait till tomorrow after it looks even better SAHWEET!
  5. GoPostalMan

    Mite Question.

    oh.. and just so you know.. they came back at one point while he was flowering... we used neem oil only, as we didn't want to stress the flowering with excessive water. They didn't come back again.. but what i'm saying is, they can come back.. and the usually do, so don't get frustrated if they...
  6. GoPostalMan

    Passive Growing = Full time job

    quick group shot!
  7. GoPostalMan

    Mite Question.

    I had to get rid of them for a friends plant, to put it simple, waited till they needed to be watered, then i washed the plants with a little soap and water, the leaves mainly, waited a few hours for them to dry, and applied neem oil to the leaves. just don't use too much, you don't want to...
  8. GoPostalMan

    Mite Question.

    you don't really want to screw up your light schedule for mites... the plants expect their light when you normally give it to them, so you change it on them, and they could get a little shock.. Mites are easy to take care of if you get them early, sounds like you did. What did you get to treat...
  9. GoPostalMan

    Passive Growing = Full time job

    Wanted to get an answer before i posted a plant problem in my journal, so i could show the problem, the fix, and the results. So right now, one leaf on one plant looks like this: Finally figured out how it got to that point. Thought it was nute burn, but i wasn't using a lot of nutes... and...
  10. GoPostalMan

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    Thanks a lot Master and wacky... yea it's that leaf and the same node leave on the other side... but that one isn't nearly as bad, in fact, the other leaf started to go green, again, so now it's only this one.. which also starts looking like it's trying to repair itself. I thought my PH was...
  11. GoPostalMan

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    what be wrong with my plant?
  12. GoPostalMan

    Pics - Nute Burn

    Can't be overwatering, cause i water them every other day, and the soil is dry without being bone dry... i'm sure of my watering. Lack of Nitrogen, yea i could see that being an issue... but i'm nuting... too much Nitrogen, can't be because i used 1/4 the dose to start them off, and the pot...
  13. GoPostalMan

    Pics - Nute Burn

    good stuff man.. thanks a lot!
  14. GoPostalMan

    A slight Problem - Help :)

    put a straw in there and use bread ties.. or a plastic stick.. don't use wood, if you have to leave it on there for a while, it will start to rot and mold.
  15. GoPostalMan

    Pics - Nute Burn

    ph is 6.5 so i didn't think that was the problem if it's not nute burn, what could it be?
  16. GoPostalMan

    Pics - Nute Burn

    need to know if i'm going to need to flush her.. anyone got any info?
  17. GoPostalMan

    i got sum pix

    well, you shouldn't have brought them outside period... you get bugs that way... even if for a few hours.. bring them in fast.. bug spray your area where they will be, just in case =) If you flushed them, then they should try to perk up, but they are in MAJOR shock, so it won't be over night...
  18. GoPostalMan

    Pics - Nute Burn

    Ok.. so i'm noob at this, but from doing a lot of research before i started, i am assuming this is nute burn. I'm using logic to make this assumption, as this is the only plant that has discoloration and it's only on the second node of leaves, and only on that one for that matter... I did...
  19. GoPostalMan

    i got sum pix

    well... they aren't dead yet.. but damn close to it.. have you flushed the soil with clean water to get the nutes out??? if not, you might still have time to do it..
  20. GoPostalMan

    Passive Growing = Full time job

    10 day since my last post, my bad... didn't even get to post when i transplanted them on the 9th... so gonna do it all now but i'll use the most recent pictures. So.. need nutes.. got some fresh new potting soil from PIKES! Along with some miracle grow plant food... i'm regulating smaller doses...