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  1. itzCESAR*

    HYDRO root problem (pics)

    Okay, I'm starting to think my problem may be insufficient amounts of oxygen. So I'm looking for a new air pump. I'm just wondering, can I over do it? I only need a 5 gal. I'm looking at a nifty 55 gal. one. I'm even contemplating a 80 gal. air pump. Should I stay away from all this air pressure...
  2. itzCESAR*

    Why is marijuana illegal?

    Well, fine I'm moving to Europe then....
  3. itzCESAR*

    Black root tips (pics)

    Wow, I found this thread on google. Type "Black root tips" and boom number 3. Wow, I don't know what to think about this.....
  4. itzCESAR*

    Why is marijuana illegal?

    nah, cause we cant leave it there or else all us pot heads are left out.
  5. itzCESAR*

    HYDRO root problem (pics)

    Also I want to thank topfuel29, along with everyone else. Kudos, and +rep everyone.
  6. itzCESAR*

    HYDRO root problem (pics)

    Well, I took a look today, and my roots seem to be slightly more darkened. I'm starting to think it's root rot after what topfuel29 has come up with. I just placed this plant in this solution about 4 days ago, that's when all this started. I also turned my water pump from 4 times a day to 6...
  7. itzCESAR*

    SayWords 1st grow, seven plants

    Ooooh, there just gonna love that HPS. Good growin' bro!!!
  8. itzCESAR*

    HYDRO root problem (pics)

    Ya thanks for the support, I've had a couple bumps. I think everything is looking up tho. Ya, I'm using Stealth Hydro nutes. I'm using them 'cause I got them with a "Bubbleponics" system I got. I'm going to be using other nutes for my next grow tho.
  9. itzCESAR*

    HYDRO root problem (pics)

    k haha ya I know what a newb, haha. So 100% right, will they even sell it diluted or anything?
  10. itzCESAR*

    HYDRO root problem (pics)

    Ok I think it looks like a alcohol bottle, correct? It's a simple liquid and not a powder, correct? Sorry not a chemist or anything : ]
  11. itzCESAR*

    hydro root problem (pics)

    Ya, I think they might be fine, they are dark on the tips tho. Yes, it is in a 5 gal. bucket. I know about the problems, cause before this bucket I had it in a blue bucket and I kept it in there for 2 weeks and algae was a problem. I guess I'll just keep an eye on the nutes, and switch out...
  12. itzCESAR*

    HYDRO root problem (pics)

    Wow, thanks for the feedback. Just a real nooby question, how can I obtain hydrogen peroxide? Is this a simple thing to pick up at any grocery store, or where should my hydro store have it? Thanks again
  13. itzCESAR*

    HYDRO root problem (pics)

    So if the dark spots go past the tips, I should clean out system?
  14. itzCESAR*

    Why is marijuana illegal?

    Wow, never heard that one.
  15. itzCESAR*

    HYDRO root problem (pics)

    ok, as long as this is normal, I'm cool.
  16. itzCESAR*

    HYDRO root problem (pics)

    Haha, srry forgot to upload pics...
  17. itzCESAR*

    HYDRO root problem (pics)

    First timer here. I don't know if I should be concerned, two days ago my roots were only less than 1in. out of the baskets. Now the roots are a good 5 in. about 3 in. are submerged in my res. Anyways, the root tips are a little darkened, I don't know what to think of this. Sorry for the...
  18. itzCESAR*

    hydro root problem (pics)

    I don't know if I should be concerned, two days ago my roots were only less than 1in. out of the baskets. Now the roots are a good 5 in. about 3 in. are submerged in my res. Anyways, the root tips are a little darkened, I don't know what to think of this. Sorry for the pics there not that great.
  19. itzCESAR*

    Black root tips (pics)

    I don't know if I should be concerned, two days ago my roots were only less than 1in. out of the baskets. Now the roots are a good 5 in. about 3 in. are submerged in my res. Anyways, the root tips are a little darkened, I don't know what to think of this. Sorry for the pics there not that great.
  20. itzCESAR*

    First grow (pics)

    Well the last time I updated was like 3or4 days ago. Here are some new pics, the decay is from a earlier bug attack. Since then, I haven't found any new grubs. Now I can see little black dots on the tips of my roots though. Should I be worried? What can I do?