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  1. abudsmoker

    Texas Growers Unite!

    lol thats a big ole plant for one pollen sack
  2. abudsmoker

    Texas Growers Unite!

    i used too breed but no time or space for the boys anymore
  3. abudsmoker

    Texas Growers Unite!

    Any texas hydroponic shop will carry these canna lines
  4. abudsmoker

    Fuck!!!! Management told me to take out window ac!!

    FYI those cheap inlines are truely a waste of cash they can move air very well especially with a duct on them
  5. abudsmoker

    Prop 74 voted down in Oregon...

    everyone is pissed off with the results
  6. abudsmoker

    prop 19 didnt pass. fuk yeah!

    its going to be on the ballot again at some point
  7. abudsmoker

    prop 19 didnt pass. fuk yeah!

    its the american way buy low sell high
  8. abudsmoker

    prop 19 didnt pass. fuk yeah!

    nope ................
  9. abudsmoker

    Bad Election Results For Our Cause

    the voters spoke its what the people wanted ..................
  10. abudsmoker

    prop 19 didnt pass. fuk yeah!

    i was obama he rigged the vote he didnt want more unemployment
  11. abudsmoker

    Blueberry Gum & other Attitude freebies...Low Budget Grow

    look at those fat little stems i see some bushes coming
  12. abudsmoker

    sweet island dreams growing 1 blade leaves?

    from seed thats not normal from a clone its something i see alot the cutting was taken from a flowering plant in most cases
  13. abudsmoker

    Offical prop 19 after party thread- WE DID IT !!!!

    i voted twice and i live in texas i voted unsure on crop 91 :)
  14. abudsmoker

    Can someone confirm that these bulbs won't burn my house down?

    you should be ok thats low amperage
  15. abudsmoker

    Can someone confirm that these bulbs won't burn my house down?

    all right i will give you my UL stamp of safety
  16. abudsmoker

    Leaves turning light green then yellow?

    i hate it when i miss something like this
  17. abudsmoker

    Leaves turning light green then yellow?

    looks like you forgot about ph and it was locked out for a week or 2
  18. abudsmoker

    Easy way to own a house ???

    i really love how the perception that you will make so much money. there are costs involved in production and your margin will be less than you think
  19. abudsmoker

    Can someone confirm that these bulbs won't burn my house down?

    get water on a hid light and it will pop
  20. abudsmoker

    Can someone confirm that these bulbs won't burn my house down?

    therefore you are good to go with that setup