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  1. 1lastGodsend


    I've grown a test plant with a light leak & she didn't hermie. But then again it wasn't that bad, little less then a flashlight lumen output. Has this light leak been big enough to alow you to see the plants color during it's dark hours? If so then obiously those are lumens of lights that are...
  2. 1lastGodsend

    Stash Box?

    How about growing up some & coming back when your old enough to support yourself & smoke weed where ever you fucking please without having to look out for mommy. When mom finds out your on this site ima feel bad for us not you. Takes 1slip to end a good thing.
  3. 1lastGodsend


    has this light leak been there her whole life span?? If so then she's prob used to it. The same way outdoor plants are used to a bright moon. If your 4-5weeks in her buds will eeither produce seed sacks or your just gona get buds. Doubt she's gona go hermie mate.
  4. 1lastGodsend

    Creating a Market

    be weighed a baggy before. It's about 0.3 of a difference.
  5. 1lastGodsend

    Marijuana Light Distruption / Flowering Prevention

    Please don't jack threads. It's possible it consider your system needs to stay cool so it can continue to work properly. From bulb & reflector to ballast & wiring. No more thread jacking.
  6. 1lastGodsend

    Can you guess how this was made? Trippy

    Maybe they just dip it in a real hot watery liquid very very slowly untill it's all submerged & then they freeze it
  7. 1lastGodsend

    Can you guess how this was made? Trippy

    They can't spray it. If you blowing on it destroys it how is a spray not gona disturb it? Even the plastic over it has to be soft enough to not budge the little tiny needles. :joint:
  8. 1lastGodsend

    Can you guess how this was made? Trippy

    I think some1 grew it then they feed it some kind of chemical to stiffen it up. Like that stuff they inject dead people with at the mortuary place so people can veiw the body. ....... . Hmmmmmm
  9. 1lastGodsend

    Marijuana Light Distruption / Flowering Prevention

    Consider getting a bulb over her to complete a light cycle of at least 18/6 18hours of light - 6hours of darkness to complete a 24hour cycle. As long as you can maintain this cycle she won't flower she will keep growing doh. Bugging her with that flashlight is just gona make her produce seeds...
  10. 1lastGodsend


    On purpose? I recommended making her go hermie a weeknir two after you START your flowering cycle. So that by the time she's done her seeds will be fully developed & more likely to be viable. Making her go hermie close to the end mite make her hurry her seed process & you mite end up with...
  11. 1lastGodsend

    Can you guess how this was made? Trippy

    hat is what it is!! Haha their so sensitive tooo shaking it makes it fly everywhr. Trippy
  12. 1lastGodsend

    Can you guess how this was made? Trippy

    ahahaha oh shit that is pretty sick. Haha how often do you stare at that thing now?? Haha
  13. 1lastGodsend

    Where the chicks at?

    This belt you speak of ktown.... Shall we duel???????
  14. 1lastGodsend

    Where the chicks at?

  15. 1lastGodsend

    Where the chicks at?

    pages ago!! Haha fairy yor awesome
  16. 1lastGodsend

    Where the chicks at?

    My pole will come in handy bongsmilie half staff after tonight
  17. 1lastGodsend

    Where the chicks at?

    He said "I'm closing this thread" that's enough warning he let it keep gong we should keep it on playable grounds. Have u ever ate a rice crispies edible? Man my dispensery counter chick hooked me up for free today. Didn't blow me but it tasted so bomb
  18. 1lastGodsend

    Where the chicks at?

    I wouldn't run away from a gay girl.
  19. 1lastGodsend

    Where the chicks at?

    Ahahah pics!!!!!!!!
  20. 1lastGodsend

    Where the chicks at?

    Yeah he warned us already. Should I install a 50foot pole outside my window for an american flag? bongsmilie