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  1. L4D

    First attempt at growing in Coco under 1600w's....

    sweet zombie jesus thats a nice set up mate,everthing inc. the plants look pro
  2. L4D

    1st grow, 400whps White Rhino

    that nu bulb is kickin ass:)
  3. L4D

    1st grow, 400whps White Rhino

    yeah ther is a 4" bathroom extractor but that is gettin replaced asap with the 1 in the post above, and a 7" desk fan goin. right now its 25c/77f and the rh is 30%, with door open. about a week maybe till i can get the new extractor.
  4. L4D

    1st grow, 400whps White Rhino

    Wats the Craic(hi,if u aint irish) here we are on day 12, got my new blub in there today.Gib Lighting fs extreme output 58,000lumens with 30% extra r enhanced blue light, nom nom nom. The runt finally has sprouted up to say hello to her potential sisters. anyway let me kno what you think, thanks
  5. L4D

    seedling humidity 30-40%. will they die.. no humidity dome available

    i wudn worry about it too much man, my RH only gets to around 30% and my young'uns seem fine,thats 10days old
  6. L4D

    1st grow, 400whps White Rhino

    Gettin tha new bulb 2moro,emmmmm more blu/white light,gimme dat!!!!!!, plants lookin well today,leaf's bigger again with the lil new ones gettin more developed, realy rich colour to
  7. L4D

    1st grow, 400whps White Rhino

    Alright everybody, here we are at day 10, let me kno what you think please.
  8. L4D

    2nd week pics, how are they looking?

    hey senij,mine on day 8 so i wudn worry,400w hps.urs r lookin well
  9. L4D

    When people visit, what excuse for closed door/locked room?

    just say it aint none of ur business now button it before i slap the taste outta ur mouth....
  10. L4D

    Hps bulbs with more Blu spectrum?????

    thats pretty much exactly what i was told about, nice one man.
  11. L4D

    White Rhino under CFLs

    nice grow RS, how old are they in last set of pics?? im growing wr too, under a 400whps, here the are on day 8, think i need some more blu light in ther.wat do ya reckon
  12. L4D

    1st grow, 400whps White Rhino

    that settels it, i gotta get more blu/white light in there. im getting some new gear soon. heres wat i was looking at and a new fan...
  13. L4D

    Hps bulbs with more Blu spectrum?????

    Hi, i've heard about hps bulbs that hav extra blue spectrum but i dont kno much else about them,im using a regular 400whps at the mo,but i need to get some more blu light in ther for veg. anyboby kno about these bulbs, thanks
  14. L4D

    1st grow, 400whps White Rhino

    what lighting you using on them man, ive been lookin at other grows old the same timeline as mine & some like yours seem way further along,gonna get some better equip* in about a 3weeks
  15. L4D

    1st grow, 400whps White Rhino

    gettin a new fan so i can close the door and hav the temps normal compared to like 35c with it closed at the mo. do ya's think this will do the trick,given my set up...
  16. L4D

    suggestions on a good 4" extractor fan

    i was lookin at this 1, look at the specs on nd tell what ya's think, to cool my 400hps closet grow.
  17. L4D

    suggestions on a good 4" extractor fan

    opinions please, need to drastically cool a 5.5ft x 3ft x 2ft closet grow. 400w hps. temp peak around 35c/hi90'sf. cant leave the door open a bit forever
  18. L4D

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    need to get a nu extractor fans lads, my temps are too hih with the door closed but i cant leave it open a crack forever,cant have the whole gaff bangin o weed. any suggestions on good extractors, 4"(100mm/10cm)
  19. L4D

    ~mygirls~~ indoor grow

    lookin good man
  20. L4D

    ~mygirls~~ indoor grow

    looking real good man