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  1. T

    should sex be a right?

    It's sovereign territory. We have every right to defend it with deadly force if we so choose. Just litter the place with claymore land mines miles deep. Put signs up in Spanish. No one need die. They would have to take the steps that proved fatal.
  2. T

    4 the Rednecks amongst us....Nth. Carolina sues US Justice

    Are you too dumb to get that we are supposed to be a federal republic? The 10th amendment grants all power not explicitly given to the federal government to the states. This is not a state who wants to discriminate what certain genders can do, it only seeks how to define what gender someone...
  3. T

    should sex be a right?

    Landmines at the border and predator drones with heat sealing missiles honed to 98.6 f. Don't let anyone in from a country with violent movements. Don't let individuals in from any country with Islamic sounding names. Simple.
  4. T

    Why is the US South such a backwards shithole?

    Only idiots see all things in black and white. You see everything in black and white.
  5. T

    Why is the US South such a backwards shithole?

    No.. Practically everyone around here fought for the union and the confederacy lost control very early on. They kept strongholds in a couple key cities along the Tennessee river. You know nothing.
  6. T

    Why is the US South such a backwards shithole?

    Strictly speaking, sex with and attraction to girls of that age isn't pedophilia. It is hebephilia. Morals are societal constructs. More societies have deemed it acceptable than have not. That may be impossible to know, but a great many have, if not most. I'm not some God believer who thinks...
  7. T

    Why is the US South such a backwards shithole?

    So are many places that are not "the South"
  8. T

    Why is the US South such a backwards shithole?

    I'm not saying that they do screw their 10 year olds. ImI'm saying that if they do it might not be wrong for them to the same way it is wrong for us to do so. Keep in mind. In Mexico right now, the age of consent is 12. They judge 12 year olds capable of deciding to have sex with adults.
  9. T

    Why is the US South such a backwards shithole?

    I know for a fact there are still uncontacted peoples living just Like their ancestors from thousands of years ago in many parts of the world. I'm not sure about the Congo or Africa, but their certinly is in South America. And my point stands because Mohammad had sex with his 9 year old bride...
  10. T

    I'm not racist because

    If the procedure to prevent them from reproducing works, so what. They had their chance and they fucked it up.
  11. T

    I'm not racist because

    Einstein couldn't tie his show. Point defeated ... ;)
  12. T

    I'm not racist because

    I've shown little to no excitement over Trump
  13. T

    I'm not racist because

    I doubt you're in the group that this policy would target.
  14. T

    I'm not racist because

    Obama's father was a Muslim from Kenya. What's your point?
  15. T

    I'm not racist because

    You're probably right. But I think paying them 5k or so to give up the ability to reproduce is not enough and would me immoral. Maybe 5k (double tax refund) for a reversible birth control measure. Like implanting something. But a perminant procedure is worth more than 5k.
  16. T

    should sex be a right?

    Something isnt ridiculous just because you say it is. You actually need to explain how that is wrong. If you started feeding the world's poor, their birth rate would increase. More people put more pressure on the structure that supports them. That structure relies upon the earth's resources...
  17. T

    I'm not racist because

    I totally agree. I've thought of it before. It certainly is better for the children to pay their parents to not have them. It would likely be cheaper too. I wonder how much we spend per child in total dependent house holds? I'd think it could be as much as 200k. And if that child happens to...
  18. T

    2,000 doctors say Bernie Sanders has the right approach to health care

    Did I say that? Be honest. But they would have a better idea. If theyre willing to be honest is a different story
  19. T

    2,000 doctors say Bernie Sanders has the right approach to health care

    For those on the bottom. No doubt. For the middle class and upper class. Doubtful.
  20. T

    GOP Scumbags

    You say Trump was the only one who did not also take the pledge? If the man didn't make the pledge than those who did pledge are not obligated by their pledge to the party if he is the winner, since he abstained. That said, I remember trump taking the pledge and saying he would if he was...