2 weeks into flower and im liking this strain for size so far. i have 4 rooted clones from it about to be transplanted into 1 gallon pots at next watering. i also have 2 more that arent rooted yet, and not looking so good. idk whats up with these 2. did them the same way as the others. i did...
now thats a thing of beauty :clap: im so jealous drop. looks like those air pots do, do a good job at pruning the roots. i cant wait to be able to pull a qp off 1 plant like that.
looking good shag. dont worry about size of plants like stinkbudd1 said. dont forget that every strain grows differently then every other one. you can flip to 12/12 any time you want. you can even do 12/12 from seed also. you mite want to transplant your plants to larger pots tho, so you dont...
nope not toped at all. i super cropped it once because it was growing out of the light on the side. its kinda stretched from not putting it close enough to the light after i transplanted it to the pot its in now. and its had allot of soil ph problems also. like the rest of my plants. i'll be...
ive called and looked at different store and had the same problem. i can find lime almost everywhere's, but no dolomite lime. i think im going to try the lime, and see how it works. if it helps with my soil ph problem, i'll be happy with it.
im sick of soil ph problems, and decided to buy dolimite lime. they have small granulates(i think thats what he said) and power. what 1 should i buy, and how much do i add to me soil?
day 56 of 12/12 for the lph #1. another week gone and still not finished lol. well here she is :bigjoint:
lph #3 clone, i think if not #1
my other skunk haze
my kannabia special isnt looking so good. i just checked it and the soil feels wet still. what do you guys think i should...
i got sick of the cig pack cello hash and bought a hand press with handles. only problem is i keep smoking the kief from my grinder, before i can save enough kief lol