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  1. CDeMarek

    need help

    Cool. Good luck.
  2. CDeMarek

    when should i transplant my seedlings?

    Yes, transplant now. Those pellets should be used just to sprout. They'll outgrow the plastic cups very soon, so why not just put them into their final growing containers now?
  3. CDeMarek

    Fox Farm Ocean Forest

    I'm using it now. It does not "burn plants". You will need to use nutrients after 2-3 weeks of vegging, and through flowering.
  4. CDeMarek

    need help

    It'll work.
  5. CDeMarek

    How Long Did Your Seeds Take to Arrive?

    Hmm, black helicopters and shit. Good catch.
  6. CDeMarek


    Every little bit can only help.
  7. CDeMarek

    need help

    6500k is the color temperature of the bulb. It's a bluish white, and 2700k is a reddish orange. 6500k is best for vegging, and 2700k is best for flowering.
  8. CDeMarek

    How Long Did Your Seeds Take to Arrive?

    20 days from Hemp Depot, and super deluxe stealth shipping.
  9. CDeMarek

    newbie grower plant problems

    They are in desperate need of more light. Good luck.
  10. CDeMarek


    That soil looks hideous.
  11. CDeMarek


    Not sure 4x13w is gonna get it done. I'd worry about adding more wattage than anything else at this point.
  12. CDeMarek

    my plant is burning HELPPPPP

    It'll recover. Don't let it happen again.
  13. CDeMarek


    Ball on a stick. Might as well be a dick.
  14. CDeMarek


    How about a pic?
  15. CDeMarek

    risk ordering please answer

    No risk at all. If you ordered a serial killer bio, would you be researching how to murder?
  16. CDeMarek

    First time growers one step at a time

    It's a fucking weed. Practically grows itself.
  17. CDeMarek

    Guess how much

    smokingblunts knows his shit. That dude pulled a QP off of one plant with a Coleman lantern and dirt from his backyard.
  18. CDeMarek

    2 month old bud with weak amonia smell

    Maybe a mouse pissed on your stash maaaaan.
  19. CDeMarek

    Guess how much

    I agree, Very silly.
  20. CDeMarek

    14days into flowering need help

    Any topping now will divert the plants energy from making buds to healing wounds, thus slowing down the flowering process.