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  1. troutie

    My 1st 12/12 From Seed cfl Grow...2nd Grow

    nice new thread bro!... keep it coming :-)
  2. troutie

    Trouties Critical Jack Journal

    not using up and down myself.... don't think its a ph problem either as it would have arrived much earlier i would have thought... i have been away from my post for a week and hadn't seen much yellowing before i left .... but when i got home it was like a banana plantation
  3. troutie

    Trouties Critical Jack Journal

    i thought the problem was too much nutes with my first grow but they now seem to be displaying almost the same symptoms (but much later)... so it must now be lack of.... 1/2 strenth bloom was my next best guess... it makes my head hurt and i hope it does become less confusing, this being my...
  4. troutie

    Cumber's Fruity Lair

    i know .... might have cut myself short this run, i'm a couple of joints from being through all my bud :-( you was right couple of grams wouldn't last
  5. troutie

    Cumber's Fruity Lair

    hahahaha i've just read my last post mate .... hahahah sorry about that, jebus! heat stroke is like massivle trippy and not good at all i would say... if you can find enough $ to survive on baggies then wait a couple of weeks with #1 ... i think you'll be glad you did :-)
  6. troutie

    Trouties Critical Jack Journal

    i'm feeling well rough temps 103f... slight heat stroke hahaha ... i've been waking up every half hour just to remeber how much it hurts :-(
  7. troutie

    Trouties Critical Jack Journal

    i tried to make it a simple as possible for my "third party"... so i gave them a good water the day i left, and upped the amount of water, so the next two waters would be three days only..... it worked ok.. but did result in periods of water logging and i'm now waiting until the soil drys before...
  8. troutie

    Cumber's Fruity Lair

    ... been too stoned ... now thats about right ..hahaha ... i got wicked sunstroke mate,... catch you tomorrow mate ;-) (had to edit this... was out of my poached head)
  9. troutie

    Trouties Critical Jack Journal

    yeah the critical jack is 11 days younger then the two green omatics and is due to take about 2-3 weeks longer ... so thats about 4-5 weeks, its going to look plump by the the time its done :-) , however it might not do so well if its leaves all fall off :-(
  10. troutie

    Trouties Critical Jack Journal

    Day 45 for the Critical jack (center)... i think? all three ... Critical Jack is clearly taller and now starting to fill out.... i thought last grow i had given too much nutes .... as they went yellow/brown/crispy .... i have not given any nutes so far and its happening again :-? i would love...
  11. troutie

    Trouties Critical Jack Journal

    vacation was great .... HoT :-) ... enjoyed ourselves to the max... all three Critical Jack center main top Critical jack Gom Bud GOM #4 getting fat GOM #5 smaller but its no light weight Critical Jack .... Looking very yellow and still got 20+ days to go :-( (suggestions PLEASE) GOM...
  12. troutie

    Trouties Critical Jack Journal

    well i thought a slighty more advanced soil would help..... and the addition of batshit had giving me much larger buds and there is no mistaking that ... they are much chunky'r then the last round ... my problem lies with yellowing leaves i though more P... and K would make a difference... but...
  13. troutie

    Trouties Critical Jack Journal

    sorry guys had a week away ..... (pics to follow shortly)... thanks everyone for posting i feel i have been neglecting you guys and i feel bad.... so i'll take a few pics today and upload them .... i had to ask a third party to water my three girls while i was away..... i got the (rain)...
  14. troutie

    16000+ watts medigrow: og kush+ 13 x 1kw hps + 3 x t5 badboys + grotek = *HAPPY JOY*

    please don't flip me a picture ... i really really like my little Critical Jack .... and i'll cry if i see what yours looks like compaired to mine :-(... lol
  15. troutie

    Cumber's Fruity Lair

    yeah the closer to ready they get the longer the days take .... i saw the clock run backwards once i swear!....
  16. troutie

    Troutie's Green O'matic Stealth grow

    yeah ... i thought so too :-) .... would laugh you nuts off if you saw how much i had left hahahaha
  17. troutie

    Troutie's Green O'matic Stealth grow

    first girls have been harvested .... got over 1oz each plant (bone dry) after all we're chopped... was happy with that :-) since the harvest late dec.... i have started a new thread where i'm covering my critical jack auto.... currently budding and cruising along no probs :-) ... here's a...
  18. troutie

    Metal grow cabinet build for 1st grow

    massive well done fella .... :-)
  19. troutie

    16000+ watts medigrow: og kush+ 13 x 1kw hps + 3 x t5 badboys + grotek = *HAPPY JOY*

    yes ... and having much fun on my training wheels :-) ..... here's a link wolverine nice to hear things are working out fella moving on to pastures new in a few weeks, so will be setting up a full veg...
  20. troutie

    Trouties Critical Jack Journal

    common advise is "reaching for the light" a natural process .... answers are mostly move the light closer to the plant if you can