Search results

  1. Shackleford.R

    Texas Growers Unite!

    ARGH!! gotta say man, i think you need to take it easy for a little while. APD is acting like a bunch of assholes to growers right now. Everything i see on the news is all about busting up grow house here and grow house there. Gotta be honest, you coming here talking about this even has me a...
  2. Shackleford.R

    My First Grow! DIY DWC & Grow Area, SNOW WHITE FEM FROM SEED!

    knickers got that one spot on. also be careful with your 1/4" holes in the lid. picture it, the stem hangs through the hole, cool that works. then roots develop when it comes time to pull it out of the cloner, you can EASILY damage the roots, or possibly have too much root mass (fingers crossed...
  3. Shackleford.R

    First grow, bagseed, 400hps, growbox - PICS!!

    Congrats on the grow and the smoke, and! CONGRATS ON THE BABY! i've got a new DIY project i just finished up.. DIY Grow Tent link in my signature. check it out, planning to germ seeds and start a grow thread in late november. :peace: Shack
  4. Shackleford.R

    First grow, bagseed, 400hps, growbox - PICS!!

    WHAT THE EFF?! i didn't even know you harvested! NOOOOOOOO!!! HOW WAS THE HARVEST?! i was just thinking, prot3us hasn't updated in a loooooong while... :peace: Shack
  5. Shackleford.R

    Chitownsmoke(Sour D X Budda Kush Grow)

    alright man, i'm in.. this thread is already trippy. lol THE SOUR KUSH TALE! :peace: Shack
  6. Shackleford.R

    Organic Grow Cab.

    sup with the name?
  7. Shackleford.R

    My First Grow! DIY DWC & Grow Area, SNOW WHITE FEM FROM SEED!

    looks like a good recovery there on the screen! BADASS!!! lol I had a feeling there was a lot of life left in those girls. I'm sure the root systems are massive on those ladies, almost "duh" moment that they would recover when you consider that. DWC is pretty sweet, growth rate is ridiculous...
  8. Shackleford.R

    Chitownsmoke(Sour D X Budda Kush Grow)

    damn how did i let this thread pass me by?! those buds are looking nice full on the sourkush.. nice job on the pollination/seeds. i'm going to spend a better part of my day tomorrow reading through this thread. nice work bro. :peace: Shack
  9. Shackleford.R

    Custom Cabinet w/ 250w CFL

    AWESOME! get some pics of the little ladies up soon. I'll be about 4 weeks behind you in my grow. congrats on the bizarre double sprout.. maybe congrats. we'll see how that pans out. :peace: Shack
  10. Shackleford.R

    DIY Grow Tent

    So i just felt like sharing, the tent is running optimum! Need to get a grow started soon. The tent runs temps right at 78 degrees! The other night, i accidentally set a box on top of the exhaust fan, and POOF! the tent started ballooning out. I uncovered the exhaust and SHWWEEW! shrunk back...
  11. Shackleford.R

    My First Grow! DIY DWC & Grow Area, SNOW WHITE FEM FROM SEED!

    yeah thats what i was suggesting. you're using the FloraSeries? seedling strength according to your feed chart of the FloraGro (if that's what you're using) in addition to whatever you're mixing up for your bloom nutrients. no more than seedling strength though, just wanting to give the plant...
  12. Shackleford.R

    My First Grow! DIY DWC & Grow Area, SNOW WHITE FEM FROM SEED!

    you know an extra dose of seedling strength nutrient added to your week 4 bloom nutrient might help the plant recover a little bit. give the extra "umpf" it needs to recover. i could be wrong about this, so wait for a second opinion, i just think given the state its not a HORRIBLE idea. :peace...
  13. Shackleford.R

    Texas Growers Unite!

    thank you sir, have to say i'm really happy with it. i used to use the entire closet as my grow space and could not control a DAMN thing about the environment in there, temps, humidity, light leaks, etc. With this baby, i hold a steady 78 degrees and ZERO light leaks. i look forward to starting...
  14. Shackleford.R

    My First Grow! DIY DWC & Grow Area, SNOW WHITE FEM FROM SEED!

    Day 19 and they just started showing female pre-flowers?? You have a good bit of stretch coming your way. No worries, you should do just fine. My last grow stretched about 6-7" in just the second week and about another 4" or 5" the next week. I had to LST the two shoots to fit it under my light...
  15. Shackleford.R

    My First Grow! DIY DWC & Grow Area, SNOW WHITE FEM FROM SEED!

    youre on day or week what of flower? you have this working to your advantage, at this stage they start to stretch, and part of that stretch is new leaf growth. so leave it be, and it should actually fill in appropriately, appropriate meaning your bud sites have the most leaf, so those should in...
  16. Shackleford.R

    Texas Growers Unite!

    you are one shady dude. i checked out your threads, none of it really screams or proves to me that you're a grower. you come on here and before even posting a harvest thread or a grow journal, you start asking for cuttings. would you like my SS# as well?? i don't trust you sir, not one bit...
  17. Shackleford.R

    First AG cloning attempt - suggestions?

    beautiful clones brother! plan to flower them out in the AG or transplant? i feel like being an ass and not reading your thread until AFTER i post :) i'm a bastard what can i say?! :peace: Shack
  18. Shackleford.R

    Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

    there are CFL's for both. Warm/Soft are usually 2700k while daylight are 6500k.. i may have that backwards.. 2700k is what you want for flower/bloom 6500k is what you want vegetative growth NOW! it is important to remember, that MH and HPS (which are the popular choices for Veg and...
  19. Shackleford.R

    zona mid aero cfl grow / bagseed soil grow

    finished up my DIY Grow Tent today. thought you might want to check it out. :peace: Shack
  20. Shackleford.R

    DIY Grow Tent

    mail order or a grow shop OR make one! thats what i did lol. :peace: Shack