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  1. jasonlocsouthkorea

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    thank you for the luck
  2. jasonlocsouthkorea

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    thank you cheers friend -jason
  3. jasonlocsouthkorea

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    will do. and thanks for the kind words. stop by often for updates -jason
  4. jasonlocsouthkorea

    Mandala Seeds is back in biz

    so am i, you missed out by not ordering the hb heres the grow diary.
  5. jasonlocsouthkorea

    Cali's Kush Journal..19 Clones/2000 Watts.

    thanks for stopping by the new journal californiagrown. you marijuana look great!
  6. jasonlocsouthkorea

    Next Big Indoor Grow 20+ plants

    greetings from the far east-south korea i see you're growing hashberry from mandala so am i, ive heard very good things about this genetic ill be keeping an eye out on you're journal. -jason
  7. jasonlocsouthkorea

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    glad you noticed but its 2 of them. and no nutes yet. the compost im using has enough to feed them for a month. then i will start my nutrient feeding schedule Unfortunately it was too little water for the 2 of them and the soil was a bit dry in a couple of the pots, when I got back this...
  8. jasonlocsouthkorea

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    fantastic! i will definetly keep a look out! do you use any chatting service by any chance? msn live messenger, AIM cheers friend -jason
  9. jasonlocsouthkorea

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    got a little delayed with the updates apologies. Cheers, Grow Day: 8 Veg Day: 2 I'm very happy at the speed with which the roots have grown. I didn't get any pics before I potted them up, but the first to pop had a root which was a good ½" and the shortest was just over ¼" in length. In...
  10. jasonlocsouthkorea

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    there extremely brutal here when it comes to drugs. thats why everyone is afraid to do it. but i take the gamble and play it safe. life is like chess. think before you move and dodge the outcomes. charged for possession of marijuana or marijuana in you're system: 2 month madatory jail time...
  11. jasonlocsouthkorea

    P.P.P. x Blueberry x Sativa.(Full gro with pics)

    that is fantastic marijuana cultivation i want to acheive that kind of potential but i am limited to the nutrients i can obtain here in south korea. no hydro shops or of that sort. so i end up making or mixing no namers. how many watts are u using? what kind nute? feeding schedule? did u...
  12. jasonlocsouthkorea

    Florida Growers Thread

    south korean cultivator
  13. jasonlocsouthkorea

    Top 5 Cash crop strains NEED INPUT!

    where can you get green crack genetics never heard. sounds bomb
  14. jasonlocsouthkorea

    First closet grow...NEED help!!!

    5 from a previous operation big buddah cheese i have a grow journal started of my current operation started as of 2 days ago (Hashberry) Mandala seedco. not quite mature yet happy growing cheers -jason
  15. jasonlocsouthkorea

    First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

    yes i am growing heres the harvest from my previous operation and my current operation as of yesterday which i have a grow journal started for (Hashberry)from mandala seedbank...
  16. jasonlocsouthkorea

    BEST Marijuana plant PICS for the newsletter

    bwinn i started my first grow journal on riu thought id let you know. check it out every once in a while to see the progress on my operation current: (Hashberry Operation) cheers -jason
  17. jasonlocsouthkorea

    BEST Marijuana plant PICS for the newsletter

    g13 armogeddon 9 weeks flower bloom