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  1. shadau

    A couple of nubbie questions :)

    Hey, first time grower! i was just wondering do i have to use nutes to grow my plants and if i dont how will this affect my plant! and also (i know there is a lot of posts about this but i could not find anything specific) can i switch to 12/12 anytime? because i dont want to grow my plant for 6...
  2. shadau

    Anyone from north wales? =D

    Cheers dude =D im a first time grower and everything is going awsome so far! cant wait till my babies start to grow huuuuuuge!
  3. shadau

    Will an air freshner in my small growing room kill my babies?

    just went out and bought one and put it outside, hopfully it will cover the smell
  4. shadau

    Will an air freshner in my small growing room kill my babies?

    lol yum yum cherry bud :) ill just hand one right outside
  5. shadau

    Will an air freshner in my small growing room kill my babies?

    Sweet man, i was thinking about puting one of those like car freshners(like the one that dangle from the front mirror) in there just so it doesent smell SO suspicious :P
  6. shadau

    Will an air freshner in my small growing room kill my babies?

    thinking of oudour controll :)
  7. shadau

    the 2009 wave of hippies and psychedelics

    LOL man we are getting oranges shiped from africa when we can grow them in our back garden! you cant see that all the little corner shops and butchers that are producing their own stock are being forced to close down because of the so called "Credit crunch" and people being forced to shop from...
  8. shadau


    one of my mates had 1 hit of it and couldent move all night but was concious lol
  9. shadau


    Hey! im looking at trying ketamine! =D a lot of my mates do it now and then and always have a good time anything i should expect or look out for? =D
  10. shadau

    How Many Christians On This Site?

    i have been chrisend :/ although i dont have an understanding of christianity! i am more spiritual
  11. shadau

    Anyone from north wales? =D

    Hey guys :) first time grower and im looking for freindly people in north wales to have a chat to =D
  12. shadau

    Gwting stoned and meditating.

    yeah me to really, weed opend my mind up to trying new things! since meditating i try and transfer all the negative energy i recive into love! but its hard with all the stress of daily life =D
  13. shadau

    Caspa and Rusko

    Awsome fabric 37 :)
  14. shadau

    Gwting stoned and meditating.

    Hey, i meditate now and then(helps me to relax and go somwere else) :) and i was just wondering if anyone has tried toking and meditating? i havent but i wouldent mind trying it =D
  15. shadau


    im a noob but i saw a pic with droopy leaves and aparently the owner had overwaterd it :) any chance you could have overwaterd yours? :) hope this helps =D
  16. shadau

    How do i tie down my plant

    Hey guys, Thanks a lot :) great advise from all of you and my problem is solved =D
  17. shadau

    How do i tie down my plant

    or if there is another way to stund my pnants growth it would be greatly apreaciated if you could share your knowlage :)
  18. shadau

    How often shud weed be watered?

    it depends really, you can water it once a day as long as you water it thoroughly :) you have to make sure that you give it enough water so it gets to the roots:) and also a good indication wether you should water your plant is if it looks quite crusty on the top of the soil :) good luck!
  19. shadau

    How do i tie down my plant

    Hey guys, Im a first time grower and only have a small growing room! i was just wondering how do i tie my plant down? anyone got a pic of their plant that is currently tied now? :) i dont want to hurt my baby :) :leaf: