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  1. dirt clean

    Shopping list, this ok

    I am organic soil. that is the best. we all know it. jk;)
  2. dirt clean

    Shopping list, this ok

    I would just feed, some fish emulsion 5-1-1. fig out how much water. 1 tbsp fish emulsion a gallon 1 tbsp molasses a gallon 2 handfuls of compost a gallon worm casting if you can find them 2 handfuls of manure put this in big bucket. bubble with an air tube. no stone. 18 hours. feed...
  3. dirt clean

    1st grow WhiteWidow, 4weeks in Flower, No buds?

    If it refuses to flower their is a high chance that it is getting too much N. Any issues there? Also are there any chems like superthrive laying around? Maybe something in that.
  4. dirt clean

    My first grow...glad to share it on rollitup....Check it out(PICS)

    Those are three gallons? I am thinking that 4-5 weeks or they might get two big. You might want to get another estimeant. Right now I am working with seven gallons and a 2 month veg. Previuosly I was 4 in rockwool. I vegged a month. Somewhere in there. You will notice after a month how the...
  5. dirt clean

    aspirin water foliar sprayed to make fem pollen?

    do you got it? they got nice kits on eBay. medical like. rofl.
  6. dirt clean

    aspirin water foliar sprayed to make fem pollen?

    could you try sticking a blacked out bag on a bud shoot for odd hours of the grow. On and off here and there two hermie just that bud? I desperately want seeds from this plant I have only one seed of that is almost impossible to get seeds of. She is female.
  7. dirt clean

    Coco Growers Unite!

    I just finished a tray of worm casts made out of coco. I fed coffee grounds, eggshells, and growund up leaves. It came out well. I have a few worm eggs cut other than that it is perfect. Fresh, airy alive coco.
  8. dirt clean

    My first grow...glad to share it on rollitup....Check it out(PICS)

    I looked again at your pics. Nice plants. No burn, that is hard to do. Even burning mine a little I produced better shit than I had ever been able to find. So I am sure you spent well. Remember to veg a long enough time too. With eight and those lights I would go for some mid sized trees.
  9. dirt clean

    My first grow...glad to share it on rollitup....Check it out(PICS)

    wow, that is a nice setup! What that set you back? 2k? Or did you go the craiglist route? Lol, I envy you when I was just starting 6 months or so ago I did hydro and wanted that system bad, but I opted for ebb and flo in a Botanciare table. Also I dicked around with lights and went through...
  10. dirt clean

    what Soil should i use...??

    I would start in some rapid rooters. Then move to a coir/ocean forest/worm castings/ perlite mix. That sounds like a lot. It is not really and you will eventually have all that on hand if you want a good fun grow. You see, bobby, ocean forest is too "hot" for seeds and even clones. It will...
  11. dirt clean

    Worm castings for a rooted in rr clone? N a prob?

    Sorry, mate, I meant that the N in the worm casts, will it actually slow the cloning porcess to any degree once began. A little anal now that I read this, but maybe not. Worm casts have N alrady in them. Also I used coffee grounds to feed the worms. It is only a gallon though. I will not have...
  12. dirt clean

    Changing completely to BMO. Is it enough?

    actually it will be better than any of that. Bat guano is the best stuff on earth. It has microbial action that scientists cant duplicate in the lab. The only downside is that it is harmful to the environment as it destroys bat habitats. At least that is what I was told, a lot, lol. A lot of...
  13. dirt clean

    aspirin water foliar sprayed to make fem pollen?

    You can buy the cheap collodial silver online, eBay, in garden kits. I have heard of aspirin as a rooting compound. It is willow. Willow water helps root. Like the gels and powders do. That is organic. I have never heard of the use of hermying. Maybe it would keep the plant in a vegging state?
  14. dirt clean

    Worm castings for a rooted in rr clone? N a prob?

    My clones are rooted in RR already. They are sprouting roots fine. They are ready to go in one gallon grow bags. There final home will be seven gallons. The started gallon bag is a light mix. It is one part rich potting soil and coir, one part pure coir, one part wormcasts, and one part...
  15. dirt clean

    Lowryders not flowering after 32 days!

    My LR2 are being allowed to die. Femmed too. :( They are in the way of the girls about to flower. They are maybe 8 weeks. One is at the beginning of flower. I attribute this to a hot soil that I fucked up and fed 2 N teas too. In other words I gave it a veg. The N most likely killed their...
  16. dirt clean

    Recycling Cannabis Plant in Worm Farm

    Keep it indoor! I am infested with knats after putting a diy worm farm outside. I know better now. I bought the 5 tray worm farm on ebay. I use it indoors. I coddee grind everythng up first then feed it to the worms. I also give them coffee grounds and egg shells. Also plants. I think the...
  17. dirt clean

    Calculating the N-P-K value of organic tea

    Nope, you still need at least 1 tbsp a gallon of molasses. That is to feed that microherd you are brewing. I would also use 2 tbsp of spt. 1 tbsp a gallon. If you dont get enough molasses in there then you will have bacteria trying to eat your fert N. I would use large air bubbles and shoot...
  18. dirt clean

    Organic plan so far?

    Some perlite would be cool. It sounds good. Fish compost sounds awesome.
  19. dirt clean

    Organic Soil help

    Unless the miracle grow has a lot of lime in it you might want to add a little lime. Like a quarter cup or something. The peat moss will break down and your acidic ferts will lower the PH. If it does just PH your watering. Use lots of perlite. Maybe some coir too. I used bad soil for one plant...