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  1. NewGrowth

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    A gallon per foot of plant height is usually pretty adequate. Hydroponics allows for a smaller root zone however. Generally hydroponic plants have a smaller root mass than soil plants because the plant can feed so readily.
  2. NewGrowth

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    I shoot for about 1gal/plant. So a 20-25gal reservoir should be adequate. I'm sure two sprayers would work as well. On the pl-55 question: Go for it!
  3. NewGrowth

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    240ppm is fairly high you can order a water quality report from your local water utility. I would not subtract the initial 240ppm just because we're not sure what exactly is in the water.
  4. NewGrowth

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    Not sure the pl-55 is a two tube t-5. How many tubes is your t-5 now? More light can't hurt unless is causes to much heat.
  5. NewGrowth

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    K = Kelvin, it's the color spectrum emitted by the bulb not how bright it is.
  6. NewGrowth

    Wisconsin Revolt

    Ummm the capital building is the other direction . . . Human rights? These people need better pay! :roll:
  7. NewGrowth

    Wisconsin Revolt

    Teachers taught me how to bend and break the rules. Everything else I learned from my father, research, and experieriece
  8. NewGrowth

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    No worries man, good luck! Cool avatar BTW :peace:
  9. NewGrowth

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    600w with a decent reflector will light a 3x3 area optimally so it depends on your system layout
  10. NewGrowth

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    One month veg is a pretty long time but it depends on your veg lighting too. I can get a pound off some strains after a month of veg so yah anything is possible. Advanced are overpriced and the additives are just confusing but if you are stuck on them go for it. There are really no tips to...
  11. NewGrowth

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    1. Tap water should work fine if you are worried order a water quality report from your utility. 2. As long as its just a little water at the bottom of the tray it should not cause too much of a problem. Sometimes angling the tables slightly helps them drain better. The plants can go into...
  12. NewGrowth


    Don't front more than you are willing to lose . . . but sometimes it's nice to have some "accounts recievable" with reliable people.
  13. NewGrowth

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    You can but but hydroponic nutrients are specially formulated for water culture, theY include chelated elements that would not normally be water soluble or would precipitate out of the solution over time.
  14. NewGrowth

    Wisconsin Revolt

    Well said! :clap: State education and central banking are two pillars of a communist society. Hitler just loved state education :wink: fascism or socialism, no thanks I'll pass.
  15. NewGrowth

    1000w 4X4 tray ebb and flow

    These threads are dated . . . Feel free to respond to 2 year old threads . . . Unsubscribed
  16. NewGrowth

    Wisconsin Revolt

    "it's happening for real!" they are "attacking unions" man I'll be back later when I stop laughing Where do you think all that money is coming from? Maybe uncle sam's golden goose? Ps- I talked to a cashier at wal-mart the other day, she was suprised I was buying vegetable seeds because "things...
  17. NewGrowth

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    Mix all your nutrients and additives then Ph the solution don't worry about adjusting before
  18. NewGrowth

    Wisconsin Revolt

    He listened to NPR this morning. I stopped reading after that :roll:
  19. NewGrowth

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    Purple Hash Plant 6weeks 5days in Sunshine #4, Gen Hydro Lucas Formula. Harvested yesterday can't wait for the final weight on this plant it was a big plant.:weed: We're going to do a photo shoot with some naked hotties and this bud:-P
  20. NewGrowth

    Wisconsin Revolt

    Did not watch the video but I create things of worth with my own labor. Well put welcome to the Chinese Republic of California :mrgreen: