im with ya on the mites now abm!! just noticed them rt now! had some p/m,got that controled,caterpillars,gottem!*knock on wood!* now mites.the things we"ll know next yr rt abm!!!mao live,learn,grow better! hahaha
actually looks like a grasshopper in the 1st picture! rt side,1st 3 blade leaf down from top! looks like a hopper chillin rt there! or am i high? well,i am high!
He looks all fukt up! I havnt spoken with any of them since! He was walkn real sore lokkin! Bet he is to!lol i dont feel bad for him at all! U reap what u sow man! U do drugs,eventually drugs do you!lmao
funny! i love it in a joint.tastes the best,will gumm up the scissors tho! i love to take my flashlight out and shine huge cola shadows on my house! hahaha
i wake up naturally this time now.even when i forget to set alrm. 6 am is sleeping in and is awesome!lol im puffin more bud with bho! will be passed out by time gf gets home from work! hahaha