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  1. max316420

    Iv got pics can you help please?

    I would start using plain water 10-14 days before you chop
  2. max316420

    Iv got pics can you help please?

    and please don't take that as me trying to argue cause I really do appreciate you helping me
  3. max316420

    Iv got pics can you help please?

    And the reason I know this is because I had a strain that did the exact same thing, tried everything under the sun to fix it and just before i was about to give up I said fuck it and kept hitting them with a shitload of nitrogen and taaadaaa... not one single yellow leaf. I glad your wanting me...
  4. max316420

    Iv got pics can you help please?

    Its either N or magnesium but i would lean toward N
  5. max316420

    Iv got pics can you help please?

    I just don't understand why people think that a N def can only start at the bottom? N is mobile so basically the plant can move it to and from wherever it wants.
  6. max316420

    Iv got pics can you help please?

    your plants are sucking the nitrogen outta the fan leaves in order to produce new buds and bud leaves
  7. max316420

    Iv got pics can you help please?

    def looks like some heat stress, but you were right about the N you probably just didn't give them enough.. One feeding of nitrogen wouldn't stop the yellowing. You would have to get your levels up
  8. max316420

    ***powdery mildew*** help what should i do?

    Milk..... It does a body good lol
  9. max316420

    Leaves are turning yellow/brown/purple (pics)

    Start with 2-3 teaspoons per gallon and go from there. And sorry if I already explained my theory on the N thing but i'm a little burnt today
  10. max316420

    Leaves are turning yellow/brown/purple (pics)

    Here it is in simple terms.. When a plant starts to flower it is using more energy and more food in order to reproduce. Now with flowering foods they are usually lower in N, thus when the plant is trying to produce buds and new leaves that surround the buds they are using lots of nitrogen which...
  11. max316420

    Did I jus BURN the crap out of my PLANTS? SWITCHED TO 600 MH!!! INSTANT HELP PLEASE!!

    6 would be around 1200 ppm. and I'm willing to be he thought more would be better
  12. max316420

    Did I jus BURN the crap out of my PLANTS? SWITCHED TO 600 MH!!! INSTANT HELP PLEASE!!

    6 is wayyyyy too much, for a full grown plant you only need 3-4 ts's per gallon. Luckily the food flushes pretty easily
  13. max316420

    Dutch Master Reverse Question
  14. max316420

    Dutch Master Reverse Question

    There is a thread in the advanced section, it's not that old but it might be a couple pages in.. good info about it in there, i'll see if I can find it for ya
  15. max316420

    Nutrient Problem Solver

    greenman's page is the shizzznit
  16. max316420

    ***powdery mildew*** help what should i do?

    You can get a sulfur burner, that will take care of it and prevent it from happening next time.. Can you post some pics of it? And I'm not 100% sure but I think neem oil will treat it too
  17. max316420

    ***powdery mildew*** help what should i do?

    are you sure that's what you have and not spidermites?
  18. max316420

    Please help plants are looking bad!!!

    good luck bro and with the fish emulsion you can also foliar feed to get them fed quicker. smells like shit but works fabulous