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  1. blazin256

    Ready to move weight and move weight only, but cannot find a middle

    you could've left this thread buried where it was. that also would've been wise.
  2. blazin256

    vote for RON PAUL 2012! he will legalize everything.

    and wars we cant afford.
  3. blazin256

    vote for RON PAUL 2012! he will legalize everything.

    this country has bigger problems then abortion. im sure he knows that.
  4. blazin256

    vote for RON PAUL 2012! he will legalize everything.

    so now you're comparing running a country to wiping ones ass. im not sure i see the logic here.
  5. blazin256

    Bartering weed for sex?

    keep trying to sac the religious chick on the side. get some other girl to tickle your bones in trade of weed.
  6. blazin256

    vote for RON PAUL 2012! he will legalize everything.

    i agree he could fix this country, but why the hell would he wipe obamas ass?
  7. blazin256

    UCLA study links HFCS to cancer.

    i see. but 25 (28% according to graph) is still a great increase. the exponential part is the increase of HFCS which is what i was driving at. no, sucrose may not be more healthy, but it is more natural. considering that the corn itself is genetically modified just adds to the equation. just...
  8. blazin256

    God, The Bible And How We Should Believe It?

    so i guess it also makes sense for 12 people to write about someone, real or fake, teach about him and possibly die for him also. i dunno about you but i wouldn't make something up and be a martyr all for a quick dollar. christianity wasn't even a centralized church till the romans came in 300...
  9. blazin256

    I'm Not Digging the blue RIU

    i just had an idea. why dont they have like an official site news and just tell us whats goin on??
  10. blazin256

    Anyone Else's Rollitup Change?

    but green just seemed more appropriate. but hey if the site stops timing out and going down ill like it.
  11. blazin256

    This Forum has Become a Piece of Shit

    i lot of good spamming here will do...
  12. blazin256

    Anyone Else's Rollitup Change?

    i like the other one.
  13. blazin256

    This Forum has Become a Piece of Shit

    what the hell is goin on here?
  14. blazin256

    UCLA study links HFCS to cancer.

    not really sure what your trying to say. are you saying what we eat now people in the 70's weren't? and we are consuming A LOT more sugar now than in the 70's. check this out particularly on pages 10 and 20. meat and fish consumption is...
  15. blazin256

    UCLA study links HFCS to cancer.

    other things that may fuel cancer... radiation treatment itself NICOTINE opiate based pain medications being obese...
  16. blazin256

    Rollitup Transforming into Google/Elementary School??

    i have a 1.76 post per day. but i didn't start posting till about two years after my join date i guess.
  17. blazin256

    This Forum has Become a Piece of Shit

    i find when i click the remember me check box, i stay logged in as long as the browser doesn't close. i use to have the problem of getting logged out while typing a reply, but remedied it by clicking the box.
  18. blazin256

    Who wants to make it big time?

    more money more problems.
  19. blazin256

    Good Evening Mrs. Brick

    do it, i dare ya.
  20. blazin256

    ## The Underground Rap Thread

    you can put more then one video in a post