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  1. BBYY

    PCK (Pakistan Chitral Kush)Beanho

    We'll a bit of an update. A bit of stunted growth the last few days due to low rez water temp... its been fixed and i can see the growth kicking back. The one i wanted to comment on and i took photos to show. Its resiliant as fuck. At first I was going to throw it away when it came out the soil...
  2. BBYY

    First Hydro Experiment!! check it.

    I have had great results with the Dyna..Good luck with your new systems.
  3. BBYY


    So Tix went on sale for most venues today! Don't need to know where you are seeing them, but has anyone else bought tix to see a perfect circle? I am very excited. Sure we all will be in for a treat.. Also was anyone lucky enough to get the VIP passes for the wine tasting?! If you did please...
  4. BBYY

    PCK (Pakistan Chitral Kush)Beanho

    Posting an update reminded me to go check on the other three beans that were started. and behold 2 more seeds ready to be planted. So far outt 19 seeds (I lost one) 3 did not germinate. Still waiting for sprouts.. As for the others , they started showing DEF! But i have them on
  5. BBYY

    PCK (Pakistan Chitral Kush)Beanho

    out of the other 9 seeds 6 germinated so far, they are in medium now. Waiting for sprouts. The others are coming along.
  6. BBYY

    Good read

    im in Washington state. Moved thurr from NewYork. I have like 100things highlighted in that catalog . Wish i was a child again and can submit my list to santa ;)
  7. BBYY

    Describe Your Relationships With Weed?

    1) What do you guys like to do with weed when you have it (favorite way of smoking bong,pipe,joints etc)? BONGS ALL THE WAY! Ice cooled! 2) Where do you smoke weed .....outside, inside ....behind your house, at work, on the roof? My couch, my car , my bed , ANYWHERE! 3) What do you do after...
  8. BBYY

    WTF is this....

    It would help if I can see the plant outta the red colored light but i agree with above..can be over feeding
  9. BBYY

    Do You Dry Your Trim First?

    I have mine dried . I know bubble hash can be made with wet trimmings
  10. BBYY

    What kind of fan for 6" DIY carbon filter? Is that priced right for you?
  11. BBYY

    What kind of fan for 6" DIY carbon filter?

    I have two of them running right now just for my 600w lamps air cooled hood. They work OKAY....I would suggest getting the higher CFM inline fans for cooling lights but for intake on a tent i will say them fans are good enough. I would be buying up to a vortec inline fan soon.
  12. BBYY

    Plants too big , they falling

    bamboo sticks or a cage to tie em up?
  13. BBYY

    Punk Song of the Day fuck authority
  14. BBYY

    when should i start my ny bagseed grow

    I would have some clones inside right now under a bit of veg. So in a few weeks you will have big healthy plants that got a head start before going outdo.
  15. BBYY

    Tolerance Breaks, Do They Really Help?

    So true :)
  16. BBYY

    Tolerance Breaks, Do They Really Help?

    I hate thinking of running outta weed. What i notice that works is switching weed. If i smoke a heady indica then go to a sative I feel higher.. So i just keep it fresh... Just thinking of not having weed daily is stressful.
  17. BBYY

    Good read

    Yes that of my favorite shitter mags lol
  18. BBYY

    Good read

    Dont know if that is readable? Shit....Lettme try and get the files better and will repost them